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horse SEIB/British Breeding Young Horse Evaluation Series 2004

These evaluations are designed to assess natural ability, identify the top British-bred sport horses of the future and recognise the most successful bloodlines used by British breeders

Saturday 17 April Forest of Dean EC, GL15 4TY, Gloucestershire
Wednesday 21 April Limes Farm EC, CT18 7DZ, Kent
Saturday 24 April Sheepgate EC, PE22 0AS, Lincolnshire
Tuesday 27 April Far Away Riding and Recreation Centre, AB54 6DH Aberdeenshire
Wednesday 28 April Gleneagles EC, PH3 1NZ Perthshire
Wednesday 5 May Hurstbourne Priors EC, RG28 7SE Hants
Saturday 8 May Tall Trees Arena, PL32 9XR Cornwall
Tuesday 11 May Hollingworth Leisure Centre, OL16 3TW Lancashire
Saturday 15 May Heart of England Equestrian, ST15 8RN Staffordshire
Wednesday 19 May South Causey EC, DH9 0LS Co Durham
Tuesday 25 May Addington Manor EC, MK18 2JR Buckinghamshire
Thursday 27 May West Wilts EC, BA14 6QT Wiltshire

A Final Gala Championship is to be held at The Royal Show and there are generous premiums throughout the series plus many other awards including Most Promising Dressage Horse, Event Horse, Show jumper; Top Mare; Performance Diplomas; Elite Mare Diplomas; Breeder's Diplomas and Breed Society specials.

The schedules and entry forms are now available and can either be downloaded from the web at or obtained from Celia Clarke by sending a stamped addressed envelope of sufficient size to accommodate an A 5 booklet and bearing postage stamps to the value of 20p to further details and an entry form please send large SAE to Celia Clarke, YHE Series Organiser 85 Fishers Field, Buckingham, Bucks MK18 1SF. Tel: 01280 812281. Fax: 01280 824451 Mob 07721 343077. E-mail:

Plans for this are now well advanced and it will be launched shortly. In the meantime details of how foals, youngstock and young riding horses can be enrolled so that they can take part will be available soon and will be posted on the BEF British Breeding web site at . With a Futurity Scheme the more horses that are enrolled the higher the prize money funds are, so the support of breeders and owners is vital to ensure good financial rewards for the winners.


Please note that

* schedules rules and guidelines for the 2004 series of the SEIB/British Breeding Young Horse Evaluations

* entry forms for the Young Horse Evaluations

* application forms to become a Supporter of British Breeding


* current information on the British Breeding Futurity Scheme

can all be found on

From mid-April onwards starting times, entry lists and results for YHEs will be lodged on


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