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Plans Underway for 15th Annual Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic

South Hamilton, MA--February 2, 2004--Plans are now underway for the 15th Annual Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic. The Jumper Classic will be held September 8th through 12th, 2004 at the Schooling Field in South Hamilton, MA.

Last year’s Jumper Classic drew the top names in Show Jumping, including Olympic Veteran Nona Garson, Candace King, Darren Graziano, Jay Hayes, and eventual winner of the $50,000 Fidelity Investments Grand Prix, Canadian Equestrian Team member, Ainsley Vince. Course Designer for the Jumper Classic, Richard Jeffery, was recently awarded the Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Memorial Trophy for being named the 2004 Course Designer of the Year by the United States Equestrian Federation. It was the fifth time this prestigious honor has been bestowed upon Jeffery.

Full results and breathtaking photographs from the 2003 Jumper Classic are available on the Jumper Classic website: Also on the website is 2003 Jumper Classic merchandise, on sale at half price.

The only Grand Prix event in the Boston area, the Jumper Classic has been dubbed the premier social sporting event of the season by The Boston Globe and always attracts an impressive crowd of spectators with the top notch competition as well as the gourmet food, exhibitors’ tents filled with artwork and horse-related items and gifts, opening ceremonies and intermission entertainment.

For further information please visit or call 978.283.7708.


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