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horse Aaron Vale Blazes Through To Win $25,000 Peterson & Smith Grand Prix At HITS Ocala II

OCALA, FL (February 20, 2004)—Aaron Vale and Arriscraft Soliel, owned by Angelstone Farm, were last to go in a ten-horse jump-off, posting the fastest time of three double-clears to win the $25,000 Peterson & Smith Grand Prix. Second place went to Mac Cone and Cybella, owned by Southern Ways. Amy Millar and her own Valentino were the only other double-clear for third place.

Course designer Leopoldo Palacios of Caracas, Venezuela, built a 12-jump Round One course that included a triple at Fence No. 4, a double at Fence No. 9, and a last line that included water at No. 11, and an oxer at No. 12. Time Allowed was set at 86 seconds. Thirty-eight horse/rider combinations took to the field and ten went clean.

For the Jump Off, Palacios built a seven-obstacle short course and set Time Allowed at 56 seconds. Polly Howard and Elton were the first to attempt the course. Their time was fast with 42.60 seconds on the clock, but they paid for it with an unlucky rail. Manuel Torres and Matilde Lina had an eight-fault performance, followed by Aaron Vale and Pop Socks with a four-fault performance. Amy Millar and Valentino were the first pair to post a clear round in a time of 45.19 seconds. The next three riders—Derek Petersen on Promised Land, Aaron Vale on Romulus, and Kim Burnette on Marly Du Beaumont—all had faults. Mac Cone and Cybella delivered the next clear round, toppling Amy Millar to take the lead with a time of 43.33 seconds. Callan Solem and Mianta had a rail at the double and finished out their round with four faults. Aaron Vale was last in the order of go and made good use of this prime position to clinch the win. Vale who is always a crowd-pleaser, did not disappoint—he urged Arriscraft Soliel to turn up the speed and the horse delivered a perfect performance in a very fast time of 41.05 seconds, over two seconds faster than Cone's time.

Aaron Vale also placed fifth and sixth in the $25,000 Peterson & Smith Grand Prix. He rode Pop Socks, owned by Temecula Valley Equestrian Center to fifth, and Romulus, owned by Town Creek Investment to sixth.

The next Grand Prix event at HITS Ocala will take place on Sunday, February 22nd. Spectators will enjoy world-class show jumping competition as riders compete for top honors in the $50,000 HITS Grand Prix.

Lots of fun activities are planned for the 2004 HITS Ocala Winter Circuit. On Sunday, February 29, HITS will host Family Day presented by Cox Communications. Kids and their parents will be invited to participate in a day filled with pony rides, face painting, clowns, and much more.

For more information on the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit, please visit For further press information: contact Mary Creech 845-246-8833 or

$25,000 Peterson & Smith Grand Prix - Thursday, February 19, 2004
HITS Ocala II - Ocala, FL
Course Designer: Leopoldo Palacios, Caracas, Venezuela

Place Horse Rider Owner Prize Money Rd1 Faults JO Faults JO Time
1st Arriscraft Soleil Aaron Vale Angelstone Farm $7,500 0 0 41.05
2nd Cybella Mac Cone Southern Ways $5,500 0 0 43.33
3rd Valentino Amy Millar Amy Millar $3,250 0 0 45.19
4th Elton Polly Howard Polly Howard / Fox Meadow Farm $2,000 0 4 42.60
5th Pop Socks Aaron Vale Temecula Valley Eq Center $1,500 0 4 42.64
6th Romulus Aaron Vale Town Creek Investment $1,250 0 4 44.07
7th Mianta Callan Solem Quiet Winter Farm $1,000 0 4 46.61
8th Promised Land Derek Peterson Derek / Anita Peterson $750 0 8 42.01
9th Matilde Lina Manuel Torres Manuel Torres $750 0 8 42.92
10th Marly Du Beaumont Kim Burnette Kimberden Farm $500 0 8 50.72
11th Karat Jonathon Millar Jonathon Millar $500 4
12th Kartousch Mary Lisa Leffler Rolling Acres / McLain Ward $500 4

Ocala Winter Festival II - February 18-22
Ocala Masters III - February 25-29
Ocala Tournament IV - March 3-7
Ocala Winter Finals V - March 10-14

$50,000 HITS Grand Prix - Sunday, February 22 at 1:00pm
$25,000 HITS Grand Prix - Thursday, February 26 at 1:00pm
$50,000 HITS Grand Prix - Sunday, February 29 at 1:00pm
$25,000 HITS Grand Prix - Thursday, March 4 at 1:00pm
$50,000 HITS Grand Prix - Sunday, March 7 at 1:00pm
$25,000 HITS Grand Prix - Thursday, March 11 at 1:00pm
$25,000 Marshall & Sterling Junior / Amateur-Owner Jumper Classic - Sunday, March 14 at 10:00am
$25,000 Marshall & Sterling Child / Adult Jumper Classic Sunday, March 14 at 12:00 noon
$100,000 King Shavings Grand Prix of Ocala presented by Great American Insurance Group - Sunday, March 14 at 2:00pm

Kids Day presented by Cox Communications - Sunday, February 29
Grand Finale - Sunday, March 14
Champions of the Week Presentations are held on Sundays prior to the 1:00pm Grand Prix.

POST TIME FARM: 13710 U.S. Hwy 27; Ocala, Florida 34482; Tel: 352-620-2275. Website:


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