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HRW Names AYHC as Recipient Of 2004 Equine Leadership Award

For over four years, Horseman’s Radio Weekly has been broadcasting interviews with people from all over the world who are involved in the horse industry. During that time, Jim Campbell and his team have encountered numerous horse enthusiasts with dedication and passion for an ever growing and changing business. “Many of those people have made contributions that have had a major impact, not only on breeds and disciplines, but some contributions have gone past the horse industry to affect people’s lives in general,” says host Jim Campbell. “Because of this, we decided to create an award to honor the people, horses and even organizations that have made significant contributions. Thus, we created the HRW Equine Leadership Award.”

In 2003, HRW named the NRHA as the first recipient of their newly created award. In 2004, another dedicated association will receive recognition from HRW. “Having come out of a 4-H program myself, I understand how vital youth programs are to the future of the horse industry,” Campbell revealed. “Therefore, due to the enormous impact they have had on kids and the future of the industry, the 2004 recipient of the HRW Equine Leadership Award is the American Youth Horse Council.”

According to Campbell, there were “many reasons why the AYHC was chosen” but emphasized that “not only do they work with 4-H and FFA, they work hand in hand with all breed associations in their youth programs to continually bring young people into the industry. Our youth are our future and the AYHC endeavors to help them reach their full potential.”

Jill Montgomery, Executive Director of the AYHC gracefully accepted the news of the impending presentation. "The American Youth Horse Council is very honored by this recognition from Horsemen's Radio Weekly,” Montgomery said. “Our work has always focused on universal things to help horses and kids and we strive to bring horse groups together to focus on the horse industry's future – young horsemen. With such a great purpose, it has been easy to stay motivated and find wonderful and talented people to carry the programs and mission of the organization forward. It is these wonderful volunteers; our members and the board who have earned this award, and I thank HRW for acknowledging the importance of their work."

The Horseman’s Radio Weekly Equine Leadership Award will consist of a contemporary wire sculpture, custom designed by Ms. Ida Sankey of Flying S Designs in Pilot Point, Texas and a cash award of $1,000. Campbell will personally present the award during the AYHC Awards Banquet at the 2004 National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium in Irving, Texas.

The Horseman’s Radio Weekly is an award winning program dedicated to educating and entertaining equine enthusiasts from every breed, discipline and level of competition. For more information or for a station near you call 800-523-1560 or visit our website at


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