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Maui Jim North American Young Riders’ Championships Welcomes CN as Presenting Sponsor

Old Mill Creek, IL—February 25, 2004—The 2004 Maui Jim North American Young Riders’ Championships (NAYRC) is proud to welcome Canadian National Railway Company (CN) as presenting sponsor. The Maui Jim North American Young Riders’ Championships, presented by CN, will return to Tempel Farms in Old Mill Creek, IL, August 10-15, 2004.

“We are so glad to have CN on board with us,” said NAYRC event director Howard Simpson. “It’s only because of the generous support we receive from sponsors like CN that we are able to put on an event that challenges young riders and helps to prepare them for top-level international competition.”

The NAYRC is the premier equestrian competition in North America for Young Riders, age 16-21. Young equestrians come from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean Islands to vie for team and individual Championships in the three Olympic equestrian disciplines of show jumping, dressage, and eventing. The NAYRC is an official USA Junior Olympic-Equestrian event.

For many competitors, the NAYRC is their first experience riding on a team, as well as their first time competing under the rules of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the international governing body for equestrian sport. While some of these riders go on to ride for their countries in Olympic Games and other international competitions, others reach the pinnacle of their careers at the North American Young Riders’ Championships.

“The North American Young Riders’ Championships is an outstanding event that provides great opportunities for young riders, and CN is proud to support it,” said E. Hunter Harrison, CN President and CEO. “We have great respect for Howard Simpson and everyone at Tempel Farms and look forward to this year’s event.”

The North American Young Riders' Championships began in 1974 as an eventing challenge between the United States and Canada. A Dressage Championship was added in 1981, and Show Jumping debuted in 1982. The first complete NAYRC was held in British Columbia, Canada in 1982. Tempel Farms has hosted the Championship more than any other location, 13 times since 1985.

Canadian National Railway Company spans Canada and mid-America, from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to the Gulf of Mexico, serving the ports of Vancouver, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Montreal, Halifax, New Orleans, and Mobile, as well as the key cities of Toronto, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Duluth, Green Bay, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis, St. Louis, and Jackson, with connections to all points in North America.

For more information on Canadian National Railway Company, please visit For more information on the Maui Jim 2004 North American Young Riders’ Championships, presented by CN, please call (847) 295-3285 or visit


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