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Promoting Racehorse Retraining

Oberon Equestrian is pleased to be supporting the 'Promoting Racehorse Retraining' scheme in association with Equine Management and Training and Niagara Equissage

For the thousands of racehorses, some only three or four years old, that come out of training each year the future is uncertain and often bleak. There is much prejudice against ex-racehorses which is caused I believe because of a few horses that give the rest a bad name. Racehorses are individuals the same as any other living animal. Many of them will be very trainable for other jobs and go on to excel in eventing or become quiet ladies hacks or dressage horses etc. There are a few, of course, who because of injury or temperament will not be suitable to retrain but this should not spoil it for the rest who deserve a second chance at leading a useful happy life.

There is already the very well known "Racehorse to Riding Horse" scheme established by SEIB (South Essex Insurance Brokers) which covers a wide variety of disciplines, both affiliated and unaffiliated and runs for several months before the winners are ascertained by way of a points sytem, culminating in an awards dinner in London. "Promoting Racehorse Retraining" is not intended as a rival sponsorship or competition to those already in existence - we are all working towards a common achievement.

Addington Manor Equestrian Centre have kindly agreed to let us once again utilise their winter series of unffiliated dressage 2004/2005. 1st - 4th placed horses that have been in training will receive special rosettes with prizes to the overall winners at the end of the winter series. Schedules can be obtained from Addington Manor and entry forms are available online from
So come on, if you have an ex-racehorse please help by entering these competitions to publicise his or her origins and show what these horses can do.


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