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The PERA Ball 2004 ticket application form is now available on the PERA website at, to make it even easier to get your tickets. Click on the PERA Ball 2004 section on the homepage to print and download the form. Everyone is invited and there is still time to get your tickets before the 14th Feb to avoid the £5 surcharge - further details are available on the site!

The following items are currently featured on our website:

Fab prizes on offer at the PERA Ball
- Get a sneak preview of the auction and raffle prizes generously donated for this year's PERA Ball.,10869,180-2850-2850-28920-115380-news-item,00.html

Don't forget to get your tickets...
- for the PERA Ball before 14th Feb to avoid a £5 surcharge...,10869,180-2850-2850-28920-115725-news-item,00.html


Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.


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