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Olympic gold medallist Anky van Grunsven comes to Waresley Park Stud on 2-3 March and, back by popular demand, top international dressage judge Francis Verbeek will also be at Waresley on 16-18 March, to give riders the exclusive opportunity of pre-season dressage training with two top names in the world of pure dressage. Please see the website for full details.

Both clinics promise to be extremely informative, so in addition this year tickets are on sale to allow people to come and watch top riders and trainers in action. Seats are also limited, so do not miss out on this very special chance!!!

For bookings, tickets and further information please see the website or contact Emma Hunter at or 01767 651664

Finally, don't forget to get your cheques in the post for your tickets for the PERA Ball, this year to be held at the fantastic new development at Cheltenham Racecourse. Please see the website or contact Julie and Andrew Wheeler on 01386 831283 or email


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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.