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Cleaning Paddocks - definitely a job for Suckers !

In the first of a number of case studies providing indisputable proof of the effective application of technology, we look at a thriving Livery business, which bases its success on sound care principles and shrewd investments in effective equipment.

Barbara Kaylor runs a thriving family livery business at Southill Farm, Stock in Essex, with an established reputation for breeding quality foals and caring for owners brood mares through trouble free pregnancies. There is a committed strategy to invest in cost-effective technology and the artificial insemination programme is supported by modern foaling aids and CCTV monitoring.


Southill Livery has some 80 acres available, with 38 acres dedicated to 6 grazing paddocks, with the remaining being rested. This provides natural grazing conditions for some 30 horses, but also provides a cleaning problem for Barbara !

Most of the time the horses are turned out and that means parasitic worm control is essential, pasture management is critical and a management routine involving each horse owner has to be an accepted discipline.

Avoidance of parasitic worm and profitable use of natural grazing land can only be achieved through efficient paddock maintenance - a nice phrase meaning the rapid and effective clearance of horse droppings !

Statistics that some poor soul has recorded - a healthy horse will make some 15 "deposits" in a 24 hour grazing period. The spade and wheelbarrow approach is just not a viable proposition, especially for 30 horses on 38 acres; in addition, such traditional "mechanical" methods leave parasitic worm infesting the soil, waiting for the next victim. Speed of clearance is also critical - horses do not graze fouled areas, resulting in the promotion of rank grass, making paddocks unprofitable and untidy.

Being an astute businesswoman, Barbara carried out extensive research to find a solution to a problem that was not being solved by the hard work of many people. The result was to invest in a vacuum machine from the specialist supplier, The Predator People.

Through a process of elimination, The Predator People became the obvious choice; they specialize in vacuum machinery, they offer a range of robust, high performance products and supply excellent support to an established customer base.

For Southill Livery, the Predator King Pro vacuum machine, purchased some 3 years ago, provided the perfect combination of power and size; Barbara estimates that collecting the equivalent of one King Pro hopper by traditional "spade and wheelbarrow" methods would take 4-5 hours. The high-speed vacuum copes with clearing some 300 separate deposits in ½ hour and she has now reduced all the paddock cleaning down to two hours per day. An additional benefit is the ability of the King Pro to reduce the droppings to a fine mulch, which is half the volume of the original deposit; this means that more can be collected in one run and disposal of the resulting waste is much easier.

There is nothing more soul destroying than the repetitive process of ineffectual cleaning - this is a thing of the past at Southill; paddocks are worm free, grazing land is clean, tidy and profitable, paddock maintenance is easily manageable and the livery is full of healthy, fit horses.

The King Pro from The Predator People has proven to be an excellent business solution for an excellent business !

For all sales and general enquiries, or a free video contact:
Helen Porter on 01842 819961, The Predator People Company, Unit 2 Highbury Road, Brandon Industrial Estate, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 0ND. Email
Or see the website at


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