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John Pearce and Jamco’s Champagne Win $75,000 Bayer/USET Benefit Grand Prix

Gladstone, NJ—February 18, 2004—John Pearce of Stouffville, Ontario, piloted Jamco’s Champagne, owned by Forest View Farms, to the win in the $75,000 Bayer/USET Benefit Grand Prix at the HITS Desert Horse Park in Indio, CA, on Sunday, February 15.

Course designer Anthony D’Ambrosio of Mt. Kisco, NY, set a 17-effort course that challenged the talented horse-and-rider pairs. Of the 47 entries in the Bayer/USET Grand Prix, only eight proceeded to the jump-off.

Four of the eight horse-and-rider combinations in the jump-off finished with clear rounds, therefore time determined the winner. Pearce, with a jump-off time of 39.50 seconds, finished 0.24 seconds ahead of second place winner John French of Los Altos, CA. French, aboard Cathy and Alex Mendez’s Millenium, who finished with a time of 39.74 seconds. Third place went to Mark Watring of Hidden Valley, CA, who rode Sapphire, co-owned by Watring and Dr. and Mrs. John Bohannan, to a finish time of 42.82 seconds.

U.S. Equestrian Inc., as the National Equestrian Federation of the U.S., is the regulatory body for the Olympic and World Championship sports of dressage, driving, endurance, eventing, reining, show jumping, and vaulting, as well as 19 other breeds and disciplines of equestrian competition. As the country’s largest multi-breed organization, the Federation has over 80,000 members and recognizes more than 2,800 competitions nationwide each year. It governs all aspects of competition, including educating and licensing all judges, stewards, and technical delegates who officiate at these shows.

The vision of U.S. Equestrian is to provide leadership for equestrian sport in the United States of America, promoting the pursuit of excellence from the grass roots to the Olympic Games, based on a foundation of fair, safe competition and the welfare of its horses, and embracing this vision, to be the best national equestrian federation in the world.

The USET Foundation fosters the highest ideals of horsemanship and excellence in equestrian sport while promoting international goodwill. The USET Foundation supports U.S. Equestrian teams by funding International High Performance programs, athletes and coaches.


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