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McLain Ward And Hurricane Win $25,000 WEF Challenge Cup - Round II
Abigail Carpenter Aboard Rosanne Van De Withoeve Win Adequan A-O Jumper High

WELLINGTON, FL - February 5, 2004 - The winning streak continues for McLain Ward as he racked up another win in the Internationale Arena at the 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida, today. Ward rode Hurricane for owner Turnabout Farm to victory in the $25,000 WEF Challenge Cup Series - Round II, CSI***. This series of eight competitions wraps up with the $30,000 Ariat International WEF Challenge Cup Series Final, CSI-W in Tampa, Florida, on March 31. Olaf Peterson of Germany, who will be the course designer at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, is the course designer in the Internationale Arena this week.

Ward, 28, of Brewster, NY, acknowledged the winning roll he's on. "I've got a lot of nice horses, great owners and a lot of great people around me. We put together a great team in every way," he said. "The fruits of our labors are paying off. Missy Clark trains Hurricane and I really don't see the horse until I come to the ring. It's a real testament to what a great job they do." Hurricane is a 14-year-old, bay 17.1-hand Hanoverian gelding.

A roster of 55 horses attempted the 16-effort speed class in which the fastest clean round wins. The track was a demanding test, particularly at the end, which included a double at Fence 10 followed by a triple at Fence 12, then a few short strides to the final vertical. Only three riders were able to clear the course.

Ken Berkeley riding Call Me for Rivers Edge Farm was the 37th rider to go and clocked in the first clear in 77.69. His lead was short-lived when Ward was next to go and shaved three seconds off the time, going clean in 74.71, putting Berkely in second place where he stayed to the end. Just two rides later, Laura Chapot put in the final clear of the day riding her own Little Big Man, but her time of 78.90 placed her third. With 14 riders left to go, the placings never changed as the course took its toll.

Ward noted that his position in the roster as the 38th rider helped him to gauge his pace. He'd gone earlier in the class on Sapphire, a horse he owns in partnership with Ms. Clark and Hunter Harrison, and been faster with a time of 73.56, but had the middle of the triple down and placed sixth. "So I actually slowed up a touch from that round," he said. "As it got later in the class it certainly was an advantage, you knew what you had to do."

Missy Clark was ringside for today's class. "He's a great horse. He's had a lot of experience. My client Sarah Willeman, his owner, is in college now so McLain's been riding him about one year and has had some great successes. Sarah had lots of great wins on him also in Grand Prix competition and he's just continuing along his winning ways. He's a super horse." Ms. Clark also credited Allison Pras who exercises Hurricane. "My job is to keep him jumping fit and to oversee the program," said Clark. "And then McLain is a great jockey obviously."
Earlier in the day, Abigail Carpenter riding her own Rosanne Van De Withoeve won the $2,500 Adequan Amateur-Owner Jumper High, Time First Jump-Off in the Internationale Arena. Adequan sponsors the Amateur-Owner Jumper Section A at the 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival. In a field of 38 starters, Carpenter was the only rider to post a double-clear performance today. In the four-horse tiebreaker Carpenter led off, setting the pace at 49.231 seconds. Lara Gay aboard Cannonboy owned by RCG Farm LLC, chased Carpenter's time and caught her by almost three seconds at 46.444, but a rail down put her in second place. Paige Johnson riding Landria W for Salamander Farm knocked down three fences for 12 faults and third place. Judy Garofalo aboard Cathy Garofalo's Delano Peak took down three rails and retired on course for fourth place.

For full results of today's classes, visit

Show days for the 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival are Wednesday through Sunday. Gates open at 8:00 am. Ticket Prices: Wednesdays are free to everyone; Children 12 and under are admitted free every day; Young Adults 13 to 18 and Seniors are $5 on Thursday through Sunday; Adults are $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. The Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club is located on Pierson Road off South Shore Boulevard. For additional information, visit or call 561-793-5867.

February 4 - 8 Bayer/USET Gold Coast Jumper Classic CSI***
February 5 - 8 Wellington Dressage (Qualifier for Olympic Selection Trials)
February 11 - 15 Kilkenny/ICH Internationale CSI***
February 18 - 22 Florida Classic/WCHR Spectacular CSI-W/Y CSI-Ch
February 19 - 22 Zada Enterprises, LLC Florida Dressage Classic
February 25 - 29 PDP Capital Wellington Masters CSI***
March 3 - 7 CN Wellington Open CSI-W
March 10 - 14 CSIO United States Cosequin Finale CSIO***
March 18 - 21 Zada Enterprises WEF Dressage Classic CDI***/Y
(Qualifier for Olympic Selection Trials)
March 24 - 28 Tampa Bay Classic CSI-W (Bob Thomas Equestrian Center)
March 30 - April 3 Tournament of Champions CSI-W (Bob Thomas Equestrian Center)
April 3 Budweiser American Invitational (Raymond James Stadium)

February 8 $50,000 Bayer/USET Wellington Cup, CSI***
February 15 $50,000 Kilkenny/ICH Internationale Cup, CSI***
February 22 $60,000 Idle Dice Classic, presented by Palm Beach Post, CSI-W
February 29 $75,000 PDP Capital Masters Cup, CSI***
March 7 $75,000 CN Wellington Open presented by Estates of Wellington Green, CDI-W
March 12 $50,000 Samsung Nations' Cup, presented by CN, CSIO****
March 14 $100,000 Cosequin U.S. Open Jumper Championship, CSIO****
March 28 $75,000 Grand Prix of Tampa, presented by Kilkenny/ICH, CSI-W
April 3 $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational, presented by The Tampa Tribune


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