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Richard competing in the Kur at Olympia in the WOW saddle
Richard's WOW Factor!

Current National Champion, European Team Bronze medalist & Olympic dressage rider Richard Davison appreciates the advantages of a comfortable saddle for his horse, using Flairtm the fully adjustable air flocking system. So when the manufacturers, First Thought Equine Ltd, designed and made the revolutionary WOW™ saddle, incorporating Flair™ as well as a host of other original features, Richard knew it would be something special.

"In dressage at all levels, but particularly at international level, it is vital to have the horse moving freely. The more advanced movements are physically demanding of the horse and require expression that must not be impeded in any way by the saddle. The advanced features of a WOW™ saddle allow the maximum amount of flexibility - it really helps their way of going and the air flocked panels provide ultimate comfort for the horse and for me!" says Richard, who will be training and competing on WOW™ from now on.

The WOW™ saddle is the very latest in design and technology for horses, offering both horse and rider the ultimate in comfort and contact whilst maintaining the style and looks that riders have come to expect in a top of the range saddle.

The Flairtm air flocking system is fully adjustable to allow the saddle to be fitted correctly and continually moulds to the horses back while he is moving. A flexible carbon fibre tree with Lateral Flexion™ is used to give ultimate flexibility and strength. Combined with the softness of the air flocking, this allows the horse its full range of movement through the shoulder and back, enabling it to express its full athletic ability. A system of interchangeable headplates ensures the perfect width fitting for every horse or pony. The saddle is fully modular, enabling the flaps to be changed simply and easily to suit the dicipline, whether it be jumping, GP or dressage.

"We are delighted that Richard has chosen to use WOW™ saddles. It is a great endorsement from a rider with such ability and uncompromising standards. Even better is the fact that Richard uses the standard product with no 'tweeks' or 'frills'" says David Kempsell, director of First Thought Equine and Co-designer of the WOW™ saddle. "With a choice of top quality hide, stitching and facings as well as panels, seat and flaps, WOWTM offers the ultimate customized saddle to suit every need and is truly a saddle for life".

For further information visit, telephone First Thought Equine Ltd on 01227 831614 or email


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