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22 March 2001

Preparations to the World Cup Dressage Final continues.

Due to the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in the Netherlands, which lead to the cancellation of the last World Cup Dressage qualifyer, the Organising committee for the World Cup Dressage Final at Vilhelmsborg, Denmark, had a meeting on 21 March afternoon and issued the following statement:

With regard to the World Cup Dressage Final at Vilhelmsborg the 6th to the 8th of April the planning continues.

The Organising Committee is constantly evaluating the veterinary situation and the Riders and the Hoses possibilities to participate in the World Cup Final.

Further, the Organising Committee will constantly be in contact with the International Equestrian Federations Veterinary Committee (FEI) and World Cup Director. The contact does not to give rise to changes, why the preparation to the World Cup Final continues unchanged.

Taking the rules for the World Cup the into consideration, the 12 best placed riders in the overall World Cup standing, are qualified to the Final. Among them the Danish Lars Petersen. Germany will take the decision which 3 of the 6 riders in top 8 will participate in the final.

contact: Thomas Bisgaard


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