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The FEI Federation Equestre Internationale News

5 March 2002

- FEI/Gandini World Jumping Rankings
- FEI/BCM World Dressage Rankings
- Development Manager visits India
- FEI/PSI Challenge Finals
- Development Seminar in Riga (LAT)
- FEI/Emirates Endurance masters
- Endurance Forum announced
- Endurance Development
- ILPH anniversary ball
- Silver Camera Award, Conditions of participation

FEI/Gandini World Jumping Rankings

There were very few changes in the world hierarchy of the Jumping riders, despite the fact that most of the Top 10 riders had a considerable amount of points from last year dropped at the end of January. Ludger Beerbaum remains the undisputed leader with 3061 points.

Frank Sloothaak (GER) and Willi Melliger (SUI) exchanged places. Sloothaak is now 7th thanks to the points gained in Bordeaux where he won the Grand Prix and Vigo where he finished first in the World Cup.

Ludo Philippaerts (BEL) easily recuperated the 225 points he lost from February 2001 thanks to his good results in Bordeaux (2nd in the World Cup) and Vigo (3rd). He firmly keeps his 3rd place, only 7 points behind Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA).

1039 riders obtained points in events counting for the current FEI/Gandini World Jumping Riders Rankings, 26 riders have more than 1000 points.

FEI/BCM World Dressage Rankings

Lars Petersen (DEN) moved up one place and is now second behind Ulla Salzgeber (GER). Petersen won the Short Grand Prix and the Kür on his home soil in Aarhus and made an excellent performance in finishing second in the Short Grand Prix and 1st in the Kür in Neumünster (GER).

Gonnelien Rothenberger-Gordijn (NED) did not participate at Neumünster this year and lost her points of the same event in 2001. Consequently, she went down two places and is now 10th, despite her good results in San Patrignano (ITA) where she finished 1st in the Grand Prix, 5th in the Grand Prix Short and 5th in the Kür.

Continued progression for Elena Sidneva (RUS) who went up from 14th to 12th place thanks to her regular performances in Aarhus, San Patrignano and Neumünster.

405 riders from all around the word obtained points in events from 1 March 2001 to 28 February 2002 counting for the No 14 list of the FEI/BCM Dressage Riders Rankings. The nationality the most represented is Germany with 74 riders, followed by USA with 72 riders and Great Britain with 24 riders.

FEI Development Project Manager Visits India

Jacqueline Braissant, Development Project Manager paid a visit to the Indian Equestrian Federation from 28 January to 6 February 2002.

The Equestrian Federation of India negotiated a long term coaching project with the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) at the Doha General Assembly in 1999. Since then coaching efforts in Dressage and Eventing by renowned International coaches are carrying on to prepare and equip the Indian team for future international competitions.

Initially, both Eventing and Dressage riders participated in the Dressage training camps conducted by Col. Christian Carde. At least one individual Dressage rider will represent India in the 2002 Asian Games in Pusan, Korea.

Thereafter, the Eventing riders were separated from the group to better focus on a specific Eventing training. With funding from the German Government, an Eventing coach, Mr Ralf Ehrenbrink went to India two times in 2001 with the objective to train a team for the Asian Games. An Eventing team will represent India in Korea.

The discussions revealed an element of uncertainty on the performance level of the Indian Show Jumping team. Ms Braissant suggested that the IND NF should make good use of the development assistance available from the Olympic Solidarity Programme. Contacts will be taken with the IND NOC on this matter.

The selection of coaches has been done keeping in mind the long-term and short-term objective.

During her sojourn, Jacqueline Braissant also visited equine breeding Centres. German stallions (Hanoverian) were imported by the Govt. of India to improve the breeds and to make available the world famous German breed to the Indian riders for competitive advantage. It is hoped that within the next 2 to 3 years these horses would be made available to the select top riders in the country. Ms Braissant’s visit also coincided with the hosting of the FEI World Dressage Challenge in New Delhi and the 6th Dressage coaching camp under Col. Christian Carde (FRA). She also met representatives of the Tent-pegging community. This sport is growing and is now played with great enthusiasm in 11 FEI NFs. India is planning to hold a World Cup in 2002 or 2003.

FEI/PSI World Challenge Finals

The FEI/PSI World Jumping and Dressage Challenge Finals will be held as last year in Hagen a.T.W. in Germany at Ullrich Kasselmann Stables from 29 July – 5th August. 10 riders in Dressage and 20 in Jumping out of the 10 regional Challenge groups will be invited. This year, thanks to the support of PSI, the 2 best Children from each regional Challenge Group (total 20 children) who have participated in the Children’s Dressage competition will also be invited. In addition, a special trophy will be awarded by PSI to the best 2001 Organiser of an FEI World Jumping and Dressage competition. This award will be presented on the occasion of the forthcoming General Assembly in April 2002.

FEI Seminar On The Development Of The Equestrian Sport - Riga (LAT)

The Latvian Equestrian Federation (Mrs Ramona Godmane, Secretary General), in cooperation with the FEI Development Department (Michael Stone, Assistant Secretary General and Jacqueline Braissant, Development Project Manager) and Tatiana Molchanova, Development Officer, organised an FEI Seminar on the “Development of Equestrian Sport” in Riga. Developing National Federations from FEI Groups I, II and III were invited. In total 10 NFs attended (BLR, CZE, EST, IRI, ISR, KAZ, LAT, LTU, ROM, UKR).

Subjects such as the structure of the FEI (Michael Stone), FEI Development and Olympic Solidarity programmes (Jacqueline Braissant), Regional Jumping Cups (Baltic, Caucasus, Slavonic and Asia Cups) (Tatiana Molchanova) were presented. Common problems were shared. The short number of FEI Jumping Judges & Course Designers, as well as FEI Dressage Judges, in this geographical area was largely due to the fact that their knowledge of the English or French language was insufficient to permit them to be promoted. The FEI was requested to relax the rules on this matter. The lack of interest from media and consequently sponsors to equestrian sport is also a handicap towards the organisation of major shows in countries where the economic situation is not yet strong. However, the need for technical courses for coaches and riders remains the main concern and on this point the FEI was especially asked for assistance. Other subjects concerning coaching structure, borrowed horses competitions, invitation to Western European shows, Olympic Solidarity, etc. were discussed.

FEI Emirates Endurance Worldwide Masters

Following the acceptance at last year’s General Assembly in San Francisco of the UAE National Federation sponsorship of a Masters series for Endurance, the details have now been finalised.

The Series will take place every two years starting this year. Points will be gained in rides across the world culminating in a final at the 2003 FEI Emirates Endurance World Cup in Dubai. There will be 5 geographical zones with separate classifications for each zone. A rider who wins three rides and the final will receive US$1,000,000 and there will be a guaranteed prize fund of US$500,000, making the total available US$1,500,000.

For further details please contact the FEI or UAE NF at

FEI Endurance Forum Announced

The FEI Endurance Committee will organise an Endurance Open Forum for NFs, riders, and Chefs d’Equipe in Jerez de la Frontera (ESP) on 28 April 2002, in conjunction with the Test ride of the World Equestrian Games. Media representatives are welcome to attend.

Time and exact location will be confirmed at a later stage.

Endurance Development

In order to promote Endurance in the Asian countries, the UAE NF is sponsoring four riders from Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. These riders were invited to train at the Federation’s stables in Dubai from January to March 2002. The training programme includes riding, crewing, feeding and stable management at Endurance competitions and preparation for the Dubai World Cup (130 km CEI ****) on 20 March, where they will represent their country.

ILPH Anniversary Ball

In celebration of its 75th anniversary the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH) will organise a grand anniversary Ball on 22 November 2002 at the Le Meridien Grosvenor House in London.

Tickets will soon be on sale and further information announced on the ILPH website

Silver Camera Award

The CHIO Aachen, the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) and the Sparkasse announce the contest “Best Equestrian photo of the Year” for which the award is presented on the occasion of CHIO Aachen from 25-30 June 2001.

A jury of experts will determine the winner and present the prizes.

In addition to the “Silver Camera” trophy, the winner will receive a cash prize of EUR 2600, the second EUR 500 and third placed EUR 250. All participants will receive the CHIO-Journal AIXcours.

Photographs and CV must be sent to:

Aachener Reitturnier GmbH
“The Silver Camera”
PO. Box 50 01 01
52085 Aachen

The photographs on the short list will be exhibited in the public area during CHIO Aachen. The presentation ceremony will take place on the occasion of CHIO Aachen in June 2002.

Conditions of participation:

1. The photographs with equestrian sport scenes from around the world must have been taken between 1 April 2001 and 31 March 2002.
2. The participants declare to be the author of the submitted photo
3. Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 different photographs (colour or b/w)
4. length and width of the paper photographs must be between 40 cm (minimum) and 60 cm (maximum). In addition, A second print of the photographs (18 x 24 cm) must be provided. Digital pictures can be sent on CD (.jpg, .tif or .bmp format 300 dpi). The Organisers will provide high quality print of the digital pictures.
5. The backside of the photograph(s) must state the picture’s title, the name of the photographer, as well as the date and place were the photo was taken.
6. The awarded photos and photos of the short list will only be used by the Organisers in conjunction with the contest (exhibit, prize giving ceremony).
7. Publication of the awarded pictures in conjunction with the contest should be at no fee for the editors/publishers.
8. Further commercial use of the photos should be agreed between the photographer and the publisher(s) independently of the Organisers.
9. Paper photos and CDs will only be returned upon request and at own risk.
10. The jury’s decision is final and cannot be contested by any legal action.
11. Participation to the “Silver Camera Award” is subject to acceptance of the above conditions
12. Only professional photographers are entitled to participate in the contest.
13. The winners will be contacted personally. The photographers are required to send their complete contact details, including e-mail when available.
14. Final closing date for the contest is 15 April, 2002.



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