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It's Time To Saddle Up and get Ready To Ride!

The status quo "pro slaughter" horse industry organizations do not represent the sentiments of the majority of recreational and pleasure horse enthusiasts. Accordingly, the California Equine Council has formed HOOFPAC, a new and long overdue equine legislative coalition, comprised of prominent anti-slaughter horse organizations and activists throughout the nation.

Our mission is to provide a political voice for horse people who do not put the Œcart before the horse¹ so to speak.

One can go up on the internet today and find literally thousands of compassionate horse organizations. And these organizations have thousands and thousands of members. These members are highly motivated people who write letters, make phone calls, attend meetings and donate to altruistic equine causes.

Over the last decade, it¹s been the HOOFPAC supporters who have been down in the trenches and in the forefront sponsoring successful legislation, generating voluminous electronic and print press and creating good will regarding issue recognition among "the people." .

To use just a few local California groups as an example: Equus 330 horses, Return to Freedom 100 horses, Large Animal Sanctuary 250 horses, Bisantz Memorial 150 horses, T.I.E.R 50 horses, Dreamcatchers 50 horses and Lifesavers 50 horses. These organizations all buy hay, buy feed and supplements, buy wormers, use farriers, and call veterinarians. Their yearly operating budgets multiplied by all the equine rescue organizations across the nation amount to millions and millions of dollars.

And herein lies the problem. Our dollars are reflected in the American Horse Council¹s Industry Statistics, but our interests are not. We are horse people who do not control our own market share, and who are politically voiceless.

Horse slaughter is a cultural issue, a heritage issue, a public health issue, a consumer fraud issue and a crime issue. Slaughter is the economic underpinning for irresponsible over breeding, PMU factory farming of horses and its by-product foal genocide, horse theft, the extermination of our wild mustangs and irresponsible horse ownership in general.

Whenever necessary for whatever reason, responsible horsemen humanely euthanize their horses. And except through "theft" or "fraud" no responsible horsemen¹s horse has ever gone to slaughter.

HOOFPAC uses "slaughter" as the litmus test for the new paradigm for good reason. One refers to the horse as a "commodity" which drives a "for profit" industry. The other refers to the horse as a "companion" enjoyed "for pleasure." One¹s mission is to protect the "economics". The other¹s mission is to "protect" the horse. The "Epona Politik" is diametrically opposed!

HOOFPAC is not a rescue organization. HOOFPAC represents the political interests of equine rescue and advocacy organizations. We must never lose sight that rescue without advocacy will not change people¹s thinking, set social policy, pass laws or abolish equine cruelty.

If the California Equine Council had not gone on record seven years ago proclaiming that horse slaughter is contrary to American values and an offense to our culture, HOOFPAC would today be accused of opportunism. But given today¹s renewed patriotism, our message is more poignant than ever. If we can not protect our domesticated and wild horses, living symbols of our American heritage against the carnage of the foreign meat markets, if America¹s majestic heart is "for sale"Šthen America has "foundered."

Tired of the status quo? Come join us, and ride the trail less traveled. Become a foundation member for a more compassionate equine community.





An original draft of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act was obtained by HOOFPAC back in November/December 2001. HOOFPAC prepared a legal analysis which was posted on its website (see ,Morella, original bill, legal analysis.) These comments were submitted to sponsors for consideration.

Bill was amended and introduced February 2002 (see, Morella, H.R. 3781, amended bill). HOOFPAC prepared a legal analysis of the amended version and submitted to sponsors (see, Morella, H.R. 3781, legal analysis).

The amended bill has been substantially changed correcting the myriad of problems addressing constitutionality. Beyond the scope of constitutionality, however, there are still two major issues that have not been amended: Euthanasia and Enforcement.

H.R. 3781 as currently drafted allows for confiscated horses both Œbeyond recovery¹ and Œunplaceable¹ to be euthanized using gun shot or captive dead bolt. HOOFPAC finds this unacceptable and respectfully requests the sponsors to amend the language per our legal analysis to read, "Euthanasia shall be performed only by administration of agents rated "acceptable" for horses in the Report of the American Veterinary Medical Associations Panel on Euthanasia (2000).

In the area of enforcement, as currently drafted, H.R. 3781 does not grant authority to law enforcement resources outside the USDA to enforce the Act. And it places the burden on the Secretary to "consider" aggravating and mitigating factors toward enforcement whereas comparable federal statutes place the burden solely on the violator to show good cause why penalties should not be imposed.

These problems need to be amended before support for the bill can be considered.

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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.