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horse Busy Vet Needs Urgent Sponsorship for Charity Run

Busy equine vet Andrew Harrison (37) of Kearns & Rea in Tewkesbury is desperately
seeking sponsorship for his London Marathon run.

Comments Andrew, who is vet at the ILPH (International League for the Protection of
Horses) Herefordshire Centre, Glenda Spooner Farm, "I have always promised
myself that I would run in the London Marathon one day and it was early one morning
while attending a sick ILPH mare that I rashly said that I would run for them.

"I say 'rashly' because I didn't stop to think what was involved in getting sponsorship!
With my vet's duties, serious training for the run and being a father of two I have
precious little time left to look for sponsorship.

"Having seen first hand the excellent work done by the ILPH during the last 9 years I
feel that it is a very worthy cause and well worth all the time I am putting into my

Comments Mel Edwards, Support & Liaison Officer (Fundraising) at the ILPH, "We
have quite a few people running for us in the London Marathon including several Gold
Bond Runners. We are extremely grateful for all the time and effort they put in to help
us with the vital work we do towards horse welfare.

"Please boost Andrew's morale and support his valiant effort juggling a full time job, a
young family, and daily training sessions, by sponsoring him. He can be contacted
through the practice on 01684 592099 or those wishing to support him can call me on
01953 497207 mentioning Andrew."

Find out more about the work of the ILPH by visiting their website at

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