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The Latest In A Line Of Renowned "Horse Whisperers" - Adam Shereston.

Doctor Doolittle was the fabled version of the man who could talk to the animals but in recent months the UK has been privy to the real life version of Hugh Lofting's central character.

Step forward, the latest in a line of renowned "Horse Whisperers" - Adam Shereston.


There are no rope halters or blankets involved but the 29-year-old has employed his "gift" to help one of the UK's top horse trainers Mark Tompkins' race horse Esperance to reach the racecourse where he has performed with credit.

The Flint Cottage Stables handler had almost given up hope that the Bluebird colt would ever find his way behind a set of stalls when suffering from a growth that blocked the blood circulation to the horses left shoulder. Consultations with international and local vets drew a blank and even calls to Harley Street Specialists took Tompkins' two-year-old no further down the road to recovery.

Hard as it may be to believe and, skeptics would no doubt have a field day, but Adam was given a "signal" that a horse was in trouble in Newmarket. A telephone call was made with Adam offering to pick up where the problems was an deal with it directly and on arrival at the stables the next day he wasn't given any clues by the so far unconvinced handler.

However, that impression was soon to change - Adam takes up the story: "When I first see an animal I gain their trust and then you can go from there. After making communication I pointed straight towards his shoulders and told Mark that was where the problem lay.

"It took five days to cure the problem - sometimes I was with him in his box for three hours and some times only 20 minutes but at the end of that time Esperance was able to start galloping and running and has had no further problems since."

Tompkins has earned himself a tag of being a very level headed handler during his time with a licence but even he was left scratching his head in amazement.
He said: "I was amazed by the result and god knows what he does but if there's such a thing as a miracle this was one. Adam is a bit of a character but he
certainly has a gift and I wish him well in all his future work."

Adam has worked for Her Majesty The Queen on Sandringham Estate but after a series of mystical happenings he was given the vision to treat animals and communicate with them in his own special way.

"It gave me the ability to link directly and communicate with animals and feel and sense what the animal is suffering, it is a gift that is developing all the time."

"I act as a kind of magnet and once I know what the problem is we can then go from there, whether its healing on a physical or psychological level. Seeing and performing the things that I have done, nothing surprises me now, know matter how severe the problem is".

Clearly a man who possesses such abilities could find his services heavily drawn upon and anyone wishing to learn more of his methods can visit his website at


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