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horse South Essex Insurance Brokers BHS Cross Country Championships to get a flying start in Cornwall.

BHS West Country members are invited to qualify for the Finals

The Championship, organised by The British Horse Society and which this year will have more than 50 qualifiers nationwide, is being sponsored by South Essex Insurance Brokers, with Cornwall offering the first opportunity in 2003 to qualify for the National Final. The event takes place at Pendavey Hunter Trials on Sunday 9 March.

The well-built course at Pendavey Equestrian Centre, near Wadebridge will prove a suitable test for riders in the Novice (2'9"), Pairs (2'9") and the Open (3'3") classes. The event is open to all comers but only the two highest placed riders (four in the Pairs class) who are BHS Gold members qualify for the Final, which is scheduled to take place at Wickstead Farm near Swindon on 27/28 September.

For more information about Pendavey Hunter Trials contact Philip Eddy, Glebe House, Churchtown, St Breock, Wadebridge PL27 7JS.
For more information on the whole series contact BHS Competitions Office on 01926 707831 or visit the BHS website (


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