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Bob Jeffries Partnership Training For Horse and Rider

March 2003 News

“We don’t break horses, we teach horses and riders to make breakthroughs!”


Bob’s Corner

It surely was a long, cold, snowy winter but spring has just about sprung! Remember that most of your horses have had only a little exercise the last couple of months so take it easy on them for your first couple of rides. I’ll be taking horses in for training starting in April and I’ll be available during the week for riding lessons.

Have a great season! Bob


Here’s your chance- this Friday, March 28 at 8:05 am you can call in live to ask Bob training questions on Frank Lowell’s and Allison Dunne’s “The Morning Show”, 1110 am. Call (845) 651-1110 to get the answers you’re looking for from Bob, and a chance to win free tickets to the CELEBRATE THE HORSE! SHOW with Susan Harris, Bob and Suzanne on May 9.


Check it out! Visit our site at to see our new look, features and photos! We’d like to include your clinic photos on our “Photo Gallery” page, so be sure to send yours in! Catch up on the latest developments, new clinics, our schedule and more! You may be in for a surprise or two!


Then join us for the 2003 Trainer Education Program- only one opening left for Level 1, July 7-11 & 14-18. There are still several openings still available for Level 2 (August 18-22 & 25-29), and Level 3 (October 13-17 &20-24) at Jeffcrest Ranch, but we’re filling up fast- sign up soon to reserve your spot!


Remember that feed bag Bob uses in the spook proofing work during the Round Pen Show? It’s from Nutrena, the brand that Bob now feeds all of the horses at his ranch. Not only is the feed great- the folks at Nutrena are holding a drawing in December 2003 for 1000 lbs of feed to the winner! Anyone receiving this newsletter is already entered-contact us if you have friends who want to get a chance to win! And check out the article on equine nutrition by Shana Weiler-Bloomfield MPS PAS, our Nutrena representative, that will now be included in each e-newletter- lots of good info to digest (ok, that pun was intended)!


If you’re interested in the important work of therapeutic riding, join Bob and Suz at In Harmony Therapeutic riding, Inc. in Ashaway, Rhode Island. The focus of Bob’s demo with a horse and Suzanne’s lecture is “Stress Relief for Horses and People”. For info, contact Maria Blackstone at (401) 364-0598.


Join us in Kingston, NY on April 5 & 6! This expo, hosted by the Ulster County Horse Council, will feature lots of speakers, vendors, and even a fashion show! Bob will provide a live demo with a horse (I heard they’re bringing in a huge tent just for this!) and an interactive lecture each day, and Suzanne will talk about Centered Riding®. For more info, contact Karen Davis at


Is your horse invading your space? Stepping on you? Is leading him a tug of war? Do you have to chase her when you go to get her in the paddock? No fun, right? If you’re looking for a more satisfying connection with your equine partner, join us at Southmowing Stables in Guilford, Vermont on July 12 &13 for our Premiere Complete Ground Manners Clinic! Everyone in your barn will be calling you the Miss (or Mr.!) Manners of Horse Etiquette! For more info, check it out at , or call Suz at (845) 692-7478!


Susan Harris’ Visible Horse Demo, Bob’s Partnership Show, vendors, food, prizes and more! On Friday May 9 at 6:30 pm in Bloomingburg, NY, join us to celebrate our favorite animal, the horse! Don’t miss this world class event-call Suz for info! Discount for Pony Clubbers, 4-Hers and homeschoolers!


Congratulations to the winners of the 2002 Young Adult Essay Contest:

Kate Weston of New Paltz, NY won 1st prize- a full scholarship to Bob’s Trainer Education Program Level!!

Ann Marie Kaleda of Blairstown, NJ won 2nd prize- a free spot in the Extended Foundation Clinic

Jana Scelia of Monroe, NY & Julie Letourneau of Westport, MA tied for 3rd place-each won a place in the Foundation Clinic Level 1

Runners-up - Michelle Vandermark of Marlboro, NY, Rebekah Rodgers of Richfield Springs, NY, and Rebecca Lucas of Rochester, NY each won a $100 certificate good towards any BJC event

Check out the winning essay on the What’s Hot page on!

Article of the month: MAKING YOUR HORSE A “GOOD CITIZEN”

Does your horse evade you by raising his head when you’re trying to bridle him, or give you a dirty look when you tighten the cinch? Does he walk into you, step on your feet, push you around while trying to scratch his head, refuse to let you pick up his feet, or pull you over to the next patch of grass against your will?

If you answered “Yes!” to any of the above questions, then you need to ask yourself why you are accepting this behavior. If your honest response is something like, “He’s so good at everything else!” or “He really didn’t mean it,” or “ It’s the only thing he does wrong!” then you need to know that you can and should expect more from your horse. Good manners are an important part of any partnership, included the one between the two of you. Improving his manners while you feed, groom, lead or saddle your horse will “trickle up” and improve his performance under saddle, whether on the trail, or in the show ring. Your horse can learn that you expect him to pay attention to you whenever you are around him!

For example, teach him to drop his head on cue and accept the bit willingly. You can accomplish this by putting your hand on top of your horse’s head (the poll), and adding just a tad of pressure. Do not release the pressure until the head comes down (any downward movement should earn a release in the beginning, even one sixteenth of an inch). Eventually as you touch the top of his head he will lower it down to where bridling becomes easy.

There are similar “fixes” for all of the rude behaviors referred to above. Our horses should always know where we are, and should never walk into us, try to run over us or step on our feet. These disrespectful actions can be stopped primarily by convincing our horse that we are higher in the pecking order than he is. If a horse in the herd challenges the lead horse, that lead horse will chase the challenger away (most often without a fight). In effect, the herd leader makes the other horse move on command.

So if our horse commits any one of the aforementioned “challenges” we must act as the herd leader would and make him move. We can send him into a circle on the lead rope at the trot, ask for changes of direction and then back him ten to twenty steps. Consistency is the key; any display of bad manners must always result in an immediate period of sustained work. This becomes a cause and effect lesson, wherein the “cause” (i.e. walking into us) immediately has the “effect” of having to work for ten or twenty minutes.

Disciplinary action also works sometimes, but may result in a loss of trust in us as a fair and honorable leader. On the other hand, clear and consistent expectations communicated to your horse, combined with praise for polite behavior and correct responses will enrich the quality of your partnership.

Our horses draw their consistency from us. If we expect more from him in the way of manners, we shall get more. On the other hand, if we accept less, this is just what we’ll get. So keep your expectations high and communicate them clearly while you have fun with your horse!

Nutrena Concerns About Feeding Horses Part 1


There are so many feeds on the market. How do I determine which is best for my horse? There are also so many supplements on the market. How can I tell which one is best or if I even need a supplement?

There are many feeds on the market choosing a feed for your horse is can be overwhelming but it is well worth the time and research. When putting together a nutrition program the first thing to consider is the forage portion of the ration. Forage (hay and pasture) is by far the most important part of your horses diet and investing in high quality hay and in keeping pastures in good condition is well worth the time and money. To truly know the quality of forage sending it out for lab analysis is recommended. Once you have determined forage quality consider your horse as an individual. High performance horses, broodmares, foals and maintenance horses will all have different energy and nutrient requirements. Consider whether your horse is a hard keeper or an easy keeper. Hard keepers will require feeds that have a higher fat content while growing and lactating horses will require higher protein and mineral levels. When choosing a feed pay attention to the guarantees on the tag. Some horse feeds will only guarantee protein fat and fiber. This means that there may not be any vitamins or minerals and if there are, you are not guaranteed they are at adequate levels or in proper ratios. Calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, selenium and vitamin A are often guaranteed on horse feed tags. To differentiate feeds even further, consider a feed that also guarantees lysine and methionine. These are essential amino acids that determine the quality of protein in the feed. Consider a feed that also guarantees biotin (used to enhance hoof integrity), as well as vitamin D and vitamin E. If you choose a feed with all of these guarantees you will not need to use a nutritional supplement. Consider one of Nutrena’s Life Design, Vitality or Farr feeds which all contain guaranteed levels of protein, lysine, methionine, fat, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and biotin.

Nutrena Equine Systems offers both forage analysis and ration balancing through the use of up to date technology. To have your nutrition program analyzed please contact your local Nutrena consultant by visiting and requesting a feeding assessment.

Shana Weiler-Bloomfield – Nutrena Consultant- or (845) 756-3143 or cell (914) 706-1628

March 29 & 30 – NARHA- Region 1 Conference, Ashaway, RI Contact Maria Blackstone (401) 364-0598

April 5-6 – Bob Jeffreys at EquiFest 2003 Kingston, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

April 25-27 – Bob Jeffreys Foundation Clinic Level 1 01Wappinger Falls, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

May 2-4 – Bob Jeffreys Foundation Clinic Level 1 Islandia, NY email or (845) 692-7478

May 9 – Celebrate the Horse! Show featuring Susan Harris’ Visible Horse Demo Bob Jeffreys Partnership Show Bloomingburg, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

May 10 & 11 Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard host Susan Harris Open Centered Riding® Clinic Bloomingburg, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

May 12 – Bob Jeffreys & Suzanne Sheppard host Susan Harris Centered Jumping Clinic Bloomingburg, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

May 23-25 – Bob Jeffreys Foundation Clinic – Level 1 Bloomingburg, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

May 26-30 – Bob Jeffreys Horsemanship Breakthrough Week Middletown, NY email: or (845) 692-7478

May 31 – Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training demo Heritage Feed Grand Opening Event! 9am-3pm –Route 17K- Bullville Contact – Dominick Zigrossi (845) 361-4081 or email:

June 6-8 – Bob Jeffreys Foundation Clinic – Level 1 Brandon, VT email: or (845) 692-7478

June 20-22 – Bob Jeffreys Foundation Clinic – Level 1 Monterey, MA email: or (845) 692-7478


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