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Pony Of The Year Show Sponsors New BSJA Initiative
The BSJA Junior Scholarship

The British Show Jumping Association has launched a new initiative in 2003 for Junior members in the form of a training scholarship. The scholarship in its inaugural year has been kindly sponsored by the Pony of the Year Show.

Traditionally profits from POYS have been reinvested to offer generous prize money and prizes in kind year on year. Such is the strength of the show it can now support new Junior initiatives and the BSJA is delighted to welcome their support.

This scholarship will be in the form of two days training with a BSJA accredited trainer and will be awarded to winning riders at the following major competitions. If the winning rider has already qualified for the scholarship, the scholarship will be awarded to the next highest placed rider not to have already qualified.

Show Qualifying Classes

POYS All Grand Prix classes*
BSJA Festival of Show Jumping All Junior Championship classes
Royal International Horse Show All Junior Championship classes
Horse of the Year Show All Junior Championship classes

*At POYS there will be one scholarship awarded in each Section. However, in the 11 and under Grand Prix, if more than one rider shares first place all riders placed equal first, not to have already qualified, will qualify for the scholarship. Competitors should see individual schedules to identify relevant championships.

Jacky Wood Chief Executive of the BSJA said "Any initiative that encourages training is a step in the right direction. Sponsorship from successful shows such as the Pony of the Year Show is indicative of the strength of pony show jumping in Great Britain and emulates BSJA ponies success both at home and abroad. This BSJA scholarship is set to help continue the line of success"

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