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Chris Kappler and Royal Kaliber Win the Budweiser American Invitational
With the Only Double Clear Round

Tampa, FL – March 29, 2003 – The $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational had 30 horse and rider combinations attempt the course. Steve Stephens designed the course, which had a triple combination that was difficult for a number of horses.

In the first round, one horse was eliminated and two entries voluntarily withdrew. The sixth horse to compete was Eric Lamaze of Canada riding Rosina. This pair produced the first clear round but unfortunately had 2 time faults for a total of 2 faults on course. The course at this point looked difficult with a slightly tight time.

The 13th horse to challenge the course was Priobert de Kalvarie with Leslie Howard and they were the first combination to produce a clean round. Others qualifying for the jump off included Markus Beerbaum with Royal Discovery; Jeffery Welles and Ursa Major; Anne Kursinski and Eros; Meredith Beerbaum and Shutterfly; Chris Kappler and Royal Kaliber; Candice King and Gosse D’Orion. Two riders representing Germany – husband and wife Markus and Meredith Beerbaum made the jump off. The other 5 riders were representing the U.S.

In the jump off, Leslie Howard and Priobert de Kalvarie were first to go and had a stop, finishing with 12 faults plus 18 time faults. Karen Cudmore was second in the order and had only 4 faults in a time of 45.266 seconds with Conejo. Markus Beerbaum and Royal Discovery were next and had 12 faults plus 14 time faults. Jeffery Welles and Ursa Major followed with 8 faults and a time of 42.056 seconds. Anne Kursinski and Eros had 4 faults and a time of 43.780 seconds. Next in the order, Merdith Beerbaum and Shutterfly had 4 faults also and a fast time of 42.409 seconds. Then, Chris Kappler and Royal Kaliber had the first clean round in the jump off. Last to go in the jump off was Candice King and Gosse D’Orion – they produced 8 faults in a time of 47.556 seconds.

The Results:

1. Chris Kappler on Royal Kaliber – owner – Kathy Kamine & Chris Kappler
2. Meredith Beerbaum on Shutterfly –owner – Hyperion Farm
3. Anne Kursinski on Eros – owner – The Eros Group
4. Karen Cudmore on Conejo – owner – Blair Cudmore
5. Jeffery Welles on Ursa Major – owner – M/M Fred Croft & High Dunes Farm
6. Candice King on Gosse D’Orion – owner – Louisburg Farm
7. Markus Beerbaum on Royal Discovery – owner – M/M Bertam R. Firestone
8. Leslie Howard on Priobert de Kalvarie – owner – Higher Ground Farm
9. Eric Lamaze on Rosina – owner – Stoneyhill
10. Kevin Babington on Carling King – owner – Kindle Hill Farm
11. Norman Dello Joio on Glasgow – owner – The Glasgow Group
12. Jimmy Torano on Aguila – owner – Sir Ruly, Inc.


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