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Country's Top Cleveland Bay Stallions On Show

The UK's top 12 Cleveland Bay stallions will be in the spotlight at York Livestock Centre on April 26.

The premium stallions will be competing for the prestigious Cleveland Bay Horse Society's King George V Cup.

The Society's inspectors toured the country last November choosing the stallions to come forward in April from those nominated.

Roy Raikes who bred last year's Champion premium stallion Laughton Saladin is among the judges.

The stallions who must all be under 18 will be shown in-hand and will also be judged on conformation.

The competition aims to keep the breed, which is on the Rare Breed Survival Trust's critical list, in the public eye while also maintaining breeding quality.

The Cleveland Bay Horse Society would be delighted to see those interested in the breed at the competition.

During the afternoon visitors to the event will be able to hear well known breeder Mary Douthwaite giving a talk on her experiences of the Cleveland Bay over the years.

For further information please contact Colin Green on (01497) 847457 or Jane Moore on (01430) 873486.


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