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A delighted Charlie Knapp after winning the Derby House Pony Trial at Lincolnshire Horse Trials.
Charlie Head's Line-Up In First Derby House Pony Trial

YOUNG Charlie Knapp has his sights firmly set on a career in eventing and made an excellent start to the season when capturing the first Derby House Pony Trial at Lincolnshire Horse Trials,

Charlie (14) from Reading, Berkshire, was on top form with the well known pony Harry Hotshot, owned by Martin Levan.

Harry Hotshot now 16, has been a stalwart of the Derby House sponsored pony team, competing in the bronze medal winning team in Hagen, Germany, last year when ridden by Tamsyn Hutchins.

Derby House is well known for its equestrian retail, mail order and stabling business and is delighted to be supporting the pony team once again this year.

With 32 starters the Derby House Pony Trial brought riders from all over the country vying for a place on the squad which takes part in the European Championships at Necarne in Northern Ireland, in July.

Charlie, a pupil at Reading Grammar School has been riding Harry Hotshot since January, but their training schedule was slightly hindered after the pony sustained a small injury soon after arrival.

Said Charlie: "I am delighted with the win at Lincoln. Harry went extremely well with a clear in both the showjumping and cross-country.

"This is a fantastic start to our partnership and we are next going to compete in the Derby House Pony Trial at Gatcombe and then Withington."

Charlie is helped by Ros Bowley for dressage and Capt Richard Waygood for cross country while Ros Irving also advises and provides help.

Paul Dickson of Derby House said: "We are delighted that the first Derby House Pony Trial was such a success. The team effort and support that these young riders give each other is excellent."

Second place went to Lucinda Eaton and another well known pony Millbrook Ifor, with Tara Morrison and Billy Joe Bob claiming third.



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