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World Young Horse, WEG, Educational Dressage Videos

Dressage un Ltd announces the release of its latest in its series of educational dressage videos filmed, edited and produced by Dressage un Ltd, LLC, for the dressage enthusiast. World Young Horse Championships, 2002, Verden, Germany is now available. Our educational dressage videos filmed, edited and produced by our dressage professionals are used world-wide for judges' seminars, but are geared for educating dressage riders and trainers of all levels.

The World Young Horse Championship, 2002, Verden, Germany video is now available. Over 60 top five and six year olds from 16 nations competed -- each with a minimum 7.5 qualifying score. See a clip of each horse with country, breed, pedigree and rider. The head of the ground jury explains the tests and judging criteria, including the announcing of the results at the end of each ride to make the event more "transparent" and interesting for the spectators, the riders and trainers. The test with each gait by the top scorer is "called" with subtitles on the screen. The top ten complete rides with judges' commentary at the end of each ride and complete marks. See history made on Saturday as the first 10 is awarded. Stills online.

5 y.o.: Don Davidoff 2, Oldbg S / Don Gregory - GER; Diamond Hit, Oldbg S / Don Schufro - GER; Rubinrot, Oldbg S / Rubinstein I - SWE; Pays-Bas NL,KWPN G / Cabochon - NED; Poetin 2, Brdbg M / Sandro Hit - GER.

6 y.o.: Rubels, Oldbg S / Rafurstinels, NED; Wanesco 8, Bay. G / Weltmeyer, GER; Dream a Little Dream, Oldbg G / Duntroon, GER; Birkhof's Alassio FBW
2, Badwu S / Alabaster, GER; Weltissimo 3, Oldbg S / Welt Hit II, GER.

"The young horse tape is wonderful. Very well edited with lots of examples that can be used for education. Kudos for your thoughtful presentation."
Helen Wiest

Dressage un Ltd's World Young Horse Championships video joins our series of educational dressage videos including Jerez 2002 World Equestrian Games and CHIO Aachen, 2001 and 2002. Our videos feature complete rides filmed by our dressage camera crew at "C", judges' marks by movement unobtrusively on
the screen during each movement and replay of the best movements in real time and slow motion at the end of each ride.

1. WEG Grand Prix Freestyle - all 15 complete freestyle rides with judges' marks by movement on the screen during each movement
2. WEG Grand Prix Special - top 11 complete rides, judges marks by movement on the screen during each movement, replay of the best movements at the end of each ride in real time and slow motion.
3. WEG Grand Prix - top 11 complete rides, judges marks by movement on the screen during each movement, replay of the best movements at the end of each ride in real time and slow motion.
4. WEG Opening Ceremony - Beginning with the Parade of Nations, presenting flags and athletes from 50 nations. See the pageantry of hundreds of Pure
Bred Spanish horses and thousands of volunteers.

"What a thrill!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for putting together such a wonderful product. This is THE BEST
equestrian video I have seen. It is well worth the money. I loved seeing the whole test with no commentary. The scores were a great addition."

Dressage Today: "Here's your chance to decide for yourself if Debbie McDonald was "robbed" at last year's World Equestrian Games (WEG). In this excellent videotape by Dressage un Ltd., you'll see all 15 WEG Freestyle rides. Dressageophiles will appreciate watching each freestyle from the vantage point next to the judge's box at C. You'll just hear music with no distracting voice-over commentary. At the end of each ride, you see the scores for rhythm, harmony,
choreography, music and degree-of-difficulty. It's a great feature for educating yourself. "

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