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horse Irish Participation In International Equestrian Events

CSI* BARBIZON FRANCE 4-6 APRIL 2003 - Ronan McLaughlin with Cruiseaway
and Star Cruise. Tel +33 1 60 66 43 81, fax +33 1 64 81 30 05,

CSI** MOORSELE BELGIUM 4-6 APRIL 2003 - Cameron Hanley with Alga, Utah,
Cloudy Night and Jerome, Roisin Corkery with Gold Crown, Denis Coakley
with OBOS Quality 004, Dreampoint and Lanceston, Lt Shane Carey with
Killossery and Ballycumber and Lt David O'Brien with Boherdeal Clover
and Lismore Clover. Tel +32 2 478 50 56, fax +32 2 478 11 26.

CSI*** MONTE CARLO MONACO 10-12 APRIL 2003 ' Lt David O'Brien with
Boherdeal Clover, Lismore Clover, Lt Shane Carey with Killossery and
Ballycumber, Dennis Lynch with Pilon and Gag. Tel +377 97 77 90 15 or
16, fax +377 97 77 90 17.

CCI*** ATLANTA, GEORGIA (USA) 17-20 APRIL 2003– Hilda Hick-Donohue
with Squires Cap. Tel +1 352 266 3970, fax +1 352 669


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