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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI-W Goteborg, Sweden, March 27 - 30

Goteborg Trophy
International Jumping Competition
FEI Art. 238.2.2 Table A 1m60 with one jump-off
Sunday, 30 March 2003

1) FOR PLEASURE ; Marcus EHNING (GER) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 33.23
2) TINKA'S BOY; Markus FUCHS (SUI) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 34.32
3) MYNTA; Helena LUNDBACK (SWE) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 36.28

8) QUIBELL; Jessica KüRTEN (IRL) Faults 0.00/4.00 Time 33.86

37 starters

Class 12
International Jumping Competition
Table A 1m40 against the clock
Sunday, 30 March 2003

1) OLYMPIA 73; Michel ROBERT (FRA) Faults 0.00 Time 49.94
2) QUIFILIO; Franke SLOOTHAAK (GER) Faults 0.00 Time 50.41
3) FRISKY IV; Ludger BEERBAUM (GER) Faults 0.00 Time 53.21

8) LADY PREISHAMMER; Jessica KURTEN (IRL) Faults 4.00 Time 52.98


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