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horse Farmkey Celebrates 25 Years Freezemarking

FARMKEY, the leaders in equine freezemarking, is celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year.

Tried and tested over 25 years, Farmkey are the pioneers in freezemarking with a pedigree that is trusted by almost 200,000 horse and pony owners.

From the original four-digit freezemark concept, Farmkey has developed the revolutionary and discrete Micromark, the latest concept ion the fight to deter theft.

Peter Mills of Farmkey said: "We are delighted to be celebrating our 25th anniversary this year. It is a real milestone in freezemarking.

"We are also delighted to have found that many of the horses and ponies that were freezemarked by Farmkey some 25 years ago are still around.

"These include Sunday Morn a 28-year-old pony owned by Frances Hamling from Essex." (pictured above)

Added Frances: "At the time I had Sunday Morn freezemarked I had her and another bay mare.

"I had them freezemarked as a deterrent against theft. It would have been devastating to loose them, but with a freezemark there is a good chance of recovering them quickly and safely.

"Without freezemarks they would just be two bay mares among many other bay mares."

Farmkey holds a Royal Warrant for horse security services, and its trained technicians ensure the marking process is quick, hygienic and humane.

Among those using the mark to protect their equines are divisions of the Mounted Police, centers and organizations such as the BHS and ILPH.

A proven and effective theft deterrent, freezemarks vary from four-digit to the single mark of Micromark.



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