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Kistler Buildings Returns as Major Sponsor of 2003 Garden State Horse Show

Augusta, NJ—March 17, 2003—The Garden State Horse Show, presented by the Junior Essex Troop, Inc., is pleased to have Kistler Buildings on board for another year of sponsorship. Kistler is sponsoring a beautifully painted “Kistler Fence” in the Grand Prix Ring, and is also proudly sponsoring the exhibitors’ party.

The Garden State Horse Show runs April 30-May 4 from 8:00 a.m. until about 5:00 p.m. each day at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ and features five rings of exciting equestrian competition. The week’s competition is highlighted by the $50,000 Garden State Grand Prix, a member event of the King Shavings/U.S. Grand Prix League, on Saturday, May 3.

Kistler Buildings and the Garden State Horse Show are a natural combination, as Kistler is a leader in quality post frame construction and has been specializing in equestrian facilities, from state of the art equestrian facilities to moderate provincial barns, for the past 22 years.

Kistler barns are custom designed with sensitivity to aesthetic appeal as well as function. A state-of-the-art bar and grill system for stalls and protective anti-chew detailing has been developed by Kistler for stall areas. Kistler will also design and manufacture stall components which can be integrated into an existing design.

Customization is the essence of Kistler Buildings, and they can tailor-build the design of anyone's choice. Whether you need an ordinary or extraordinary design, you want Kistler Buildings. If you’re looking for an extraordinary horse show, you want Garden State.

The Garden State Horse Show is New Jersey’s largest horse show and is rated “AA” by USA Equestrian, the national governing body of equestrian sports. As one of the largest shows of its kind in the country, the Garden State Horse Show attracts the nation’s best riders, including U.S. Equestrian Team and Olympic veterans such as Peter Leone, Anne Kursinski and Nona Garson.

The Garden State Horse Show also features a $15,000 Show Jumping Hall Of Fame High Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper class, part of the Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series which determines which junior and amateur-owner riders will qualify to ride at the 2003 National Horse Show. The Garden State Horse Show also hosts classes on the Marshall & Sterling Children’s and Adult League, presented by Corona-Lexol.

In addition to witnessing top athletes, spectators can enjoy the numerous shopping and dining opportunities available at The Country Fair. Admission is free every day except Grand Prix Saturday, when admission is $10.00 per carload to benefit a local charity. Please call (973) 948-5022 for ticket information and for other information on the Garden State Horse Show, please call (508) 698-6810.


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