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Marathon Men Running to Support Horse Welfare

2 Londoners are putting their best foot forward next month in aid of horse welfare.

Piers German, 34, a Wine Merchant and Paul Williams 33, a self confessed 'Financial Scrap Merchant', both from South London, are training hard for the London Marathon.

They will each be 1 of 5 ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) Golden Bond runners who will be running exclusively for the charity and they need to raise at least £1,000 in order to be able to join thousands of other runners on April 13 in London.

Piers knows what to expect as he ran for the ILPH in 2001 but Paul is new to it.

He says, "I am really looking forward to realising a long held ambition to compete in a major marathon. I am a little nervous, but relish the challenge of successfully completing the world's premier endurance athletic event.

"The fact that by competing, I am able to raise funds to support the very valuable work done by the ILPH, is an added bonus. I am very grateful for the very generous moral and financial support I have been given by friends, family and colleagues.

Those wishing to support Piers can email him on and those wishing to support Paul should contact Mel Edwards, ILPH Support and Liaison Officer on 0870 366 6953 or by email to .

More can be found about the ILPH on their website


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