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horse announces Aromatherapy for Animal Courses 2003
How you can use essential oils with your pets.*


Learn everything you need to know to start using essential oils safely and effectively on your own animals including: the properties and uses of approximately 22 essential oils, how to blend them and offer them to animals, how to use kinesiology to help select the oils and much more.

Beverley Morel director of naturallypaws said "I attended this course and found it excellent. It gave me the information and confidence to be able to use oils with my pets and my family too."

The courses are run by Nayana Morag, a certified Essential Oils for Animals Therapist who has worked with animals all her life.

The two day courses will be run in June and September and will take place nr Biggin Hill in Kent. The cost if £55.00 per day. Places are limited. Call naturallypaws on 020 8295 5511 or visit the website for further information.

*If your pet is unwell always seek veterinary attention first.


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