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NMSU massage course

You can learn Equine Sports Massage by attending New Mexico State University (NMSU) and never leave the comfort of your home.

“NMSU is now offering online a course which prepares students for certification as an Equine Sports Massage therapist,” said Patricia Strange, director of the noncredit division of Continuing Education.

Once a student completes the NMSU course and receives a certificate of recognition, the student is eligible to “test out” for certification by Equisport Therapy of Tempe, Arizona, Strange explained.

The course can be started at anytime and students work at their own pace.

This is a unique educational opportunity; it is the first equine massage course to be offered online. Sue Davis, certified equine sports massage therapist and practitioner for the past 12 years, instructs the level 1 course which teaches the massage techniques to enhance muscle health and performance while releasing stress and negative energy.

The seven-lesson course covers the 28 superficial muscles and their functions and explains how to detect problems, according to Davis. Once registered for the course, students work directly with Davis on the Internet and by e-mail.

Students can register immediately with NMSU by calling Strange at (505) 287-6670. A sample of the text from one lesson can be view by logging onto, then clicking Equine Massage Course.

“Anyone and any horse can benefit from the course,” says Davis. “And for the student seeking a career, this is the quickest, easiest way to get started.”

The cost of the online course is $275. The cost of the test out for certification is $150. The certification test out is conducted in Phoenix, Arizona four times each year.

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