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Royal Windsor Seeks Memorabilia

Royal Windsor Horse Show 14th – 18th May 2003 which celebrates its 60th birthday this year with a spectacular recreation of the first ever show held in 1943 as part of ‘Wings for Victory’, the World War II national fund raising initiative, is looking for memorabilia from the first show to exhibit at this year’s show.

Founder Member, Clive Lidstone who has the Joseph Thurleigh ‘Wings for Victory’ Cup presented in 1943 has kindly offered to loan the cup to be displayed at this years show.

If you have memorabilia from the 1943 show that you would be prepared to loan to the show, please contact Holly Farr at the Royal Windsor Horse Show Office on 01753 860633.

Schedules are available by sending an A5 SAE (72p) to Royal Windsor Horse Show Office, The Royal Mews, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1FP. Entries close 20th March.

Advance tickets for the Royal Windsor Horse Show are available from the box office, telephone 0870 121 5370 (or +44 115 912 9160 for international calls) and range from £10 - £12 for adults and £7 - £8 for concessions, with on the day prices from £12-£14 for adults and £7- £9 for concessions. A very attractive Membership package is also available by ringing 01753 860633. To find out more about Royal Windsor Horse Show visit the website at


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