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World Class Start And Potential Riders Selected For 2004 Programme

Riders for the 2004 World Class Start and Potential programmes have now been decided following the selection trials that took place from February 16th ­ 22nd. From an initial 400 applications, 102 riders were short listed to attend the ridden selection trials, from which 20 riders were chosen to join the Start programme and 20 riders for the Potential programme.

The British Equestrian Federation¹s World Class Start & Potential programme is for riders between the ages of 14 and 30 who demonstrate the exceptional talent and dedication to ride and win at Olympic level in Dressage, Paralympic Dressage, Show Jumping or Eventing and which establishes a development pathway for these riders to progress onto the Olympic Performance squads in 2008 and 2012.

The selected riders will be offered extra assistance in the form of individually tailored plans as well as opportunities to train with International riders and coaches in order to help them in their competitive careers. A number of riders that did not make it on to the core programmes will also be offered additional support to ensure that World Class is able to monitor their progress, offer guidance and encouragement where necessary.

Vikki Kind, World Class Start & Potential Manager said, ³The standard of the short-listed riders was incredibly high and those riders that were not fortunate to get onto the programmes should not feel disheartened, but feel proud they made it this far².

Kind added, ³A number of riders who were part of the 2003 programme have been re-selected, which highlights that the structure and training offered by World Class is successful and effective, but excitingly, some new faces have appeared indicating that the selection process continues to be consistent and fair².

The first squad sessions for the 2004 World Class Start & Potential riders are on April 5th & 6th.

The World Class Start and Potential programmes are Lottery funded through Sport England.


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