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Spring is here! ...... It’s time to ride!

Whether you’ve enjoyed riding throughout the winter or need a spring tune-up, join Bob and Suzanne

for horse psychology, ground manners, mounted training and Centered Riding® techniques.

If you need some support to get back in the saddle, check out these events:

March 5-7th –Foundation Clinic Level 1 – SUNY Morrisville, NY

Hosted by Stride of Central NY

**4 - partial scholarships available for this event only!

First come – first serve. Call us!

March 13 & 14 - Ground Manners Clinic – Valatie, NY

March 19-21 – Equine Event East – Dulles EXPO & Convention Center- Chantilly, VA

March 25-28 –Equine Affaire – Columbus, OH

April 3-6, Extended Foundation Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY

April 16-18 –Ground Manners Clinic – Saco ME

April 23-25 –Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Clarksburg, Maryland

April 26-28 –Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Chesterfield, VA

Are you ready to ride? Join us!

Call (845) 821-3528 or visit


Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.


Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.