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Cross Country International’s Costa Rica Trail Ride Named One of the “Best Vacations of 2004” by Outside Magazine

Millbrook, NY—March 4, 2004—Outside Magazine named Cross Country International’s exotic Costa Rica Trail Ride vacation as one of the “Best Vacations of 2004” when it unveiled its new list at the Adventure Travel Show in Chicago, IL, February 19-22.

In the magazine’s first annual Best Vacation Contest, which is featured in the March issue, the Costa Rica Trail Ride finished fifth among the 40 finalists.

During one of the seven-day trail ride getaways, which are available now through August and then again in November and December, vacationers travel along the West Coast of Costa Rica, an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on one side and the sparkling Caribbean Sea on the other. After a fun day of riding on horseback, vacationers spend their nights in beautiful hotels and guest houses. Suitable for any level of rider, these vacations offer travelers the chance to ride Criollo horses over the sands of fifty different beaches, up and down mountains and ridges, and through miles of open countryside.

“This is such an exciting vacation because it gives people the chance to see some of the most beautiful ocean scenery in the world in a setting that is almost surreal,” said Karen Lancaster, President of Cross Country International.

The journey also offers unique experiences such as rides through Teak Tree plantations, where riders will see these slow growing trees that are indigenous to the island. During certain times of the year, riders will also have the opportunity to see wildlife such as Spanish monkeys and giant sea turtles.

Throughout the week, there is also time to relax out of the saddle. On the first night of the trip, participants enjoy dinner in an open-air restaurant. Later in the week, there are opportunities to lie on the beach, kayak through mangroves, fish, dive and much more.

The Costa Rica vacation is available for $1830 per person and includes six nights accommodations and four days of trail rides.

For more information on the Costa Rica Trail ride, please contact Cross Country International please call 800-828-8768 ext. 150 or email or visit to



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