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Dressage Online

Understanding the biomechanics and structural balancing of a horse’s movements creates great dressage performances, explains Tammy Fifer in her online course, Dressage: You Can Do It!

A dressage instructor and competitor for more than 20 years, Fifer is the newest “celebrity” instructor at, the nation’s leading online Equine Science program. Fifer’s course is one of the elective courses available through Austin Education Center or Scottsdale Community College.

Fifer’s course focuses on the basic dressage movements which lead to advance performances. The course begins with the observation of movement, then teaches the student how to improve that movement, and finally assists the student in mastering advanced exercises.

“Once a student learn to move the horse’s body correctly and efficiently, gaits and muscular conformation improve; then we find the horses learn more quickly and are more willing to perform joyfully,” Fifer says. Fifer has designed her course in such a way as to make it possible for any student to ride and train a dressage horse. “Classical Dressage is an exquisite form of riding, and you can do it,” Fifer promises.

The courses lead to a Professional Designation in Horse Training, or a Horse Sense Success Series college certificate. Students can begin anytime, work at their own pace, and get one-on-one help by e-mail from their instructor. Registration is available online.

“Nothing empowers a dressage rider more than applied knowledge,” says Fifer, whose students range from beginner to advanced. “We learn everyday; first getting good, and then getting better.”

Online courses include Training Performance Horses, How to Feed for Maximum Performance, Bits and Shoeing, Health and Disease Management, Conformation and Selection, Legal Aspects of Horse Management, How to Make Money With Horses, Behavior Modification Techniques, Preparation for Competition, Equine Sports Massage and Coat Color Genetics. Samples of lessons and quizzes can be seen at


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