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Richard A. Lang Perpetual Trophy New to 2004 Garden State Horse Show

Augusta, NJ— March 30, 2004—The Richard A. Lang Perpetual Trophy, a new annual award for the Garden State Horse Show, will be presented for the first time at the 2004 Garden State Horse Show, held at the Sussex County Fairgrounds May 5-9. The award, which was donated by family and friends of the late Dick Lang, will be awarded to the Amateur-Owner Hunter Grand Champion.

Artist Nancy Beldon created the bronze trophy which features a harnessed driving horse without a carriage and a special Britney Spaniel named “Peaches.” “She was Dick’s dog. Everyone knew her… Everywhere he went, she was with him,” said Barbara Lang, Dick’s wife of 32 years. The bronzed version of “Peaches” even wears a scarf, similar to the one that Dick frequently wrapped around her neck. “Peaches is forever immortalized in bronze!” Barbara laughed.

Dick and Barbara Lang’s introduction to the equestrian world came when their five-year-old daughter Wendy began riding ponies. Wendy then progressed through the pony ranks and moved on to the equitation classes.

After finishing her junior career in the Maclay Finals at the National Horse Show, Wendy did not want to stop competing. “When she was finished at the National Horse Show, she looked at Dick and me and said, ‘I want to come back.’” Barbara explained. “And two years later we were back.” Wendy and her equitation horse, “Spring Break” had moved on to compete in the Amateur-Owner Hunter Division and qualified for the National Horse Show as one of the top 16 amateur-owner pairs in the country.

Because Wendy, 37, still competes in the Amateur-Owner Hunter Division and competition was a true family affair, the Richard A. Lang Perpetual Trophy was donated to that division at the Garden State Horse Show. “We spent a lot of time on the amateur-owner trail,” Barbara said. “It was something her father, she and I did together. We got involved in [equestrian sports] because of Wendy.”

His daughter’s interest in the sport and the family’s close proximity to the grounds of the United States Equestrian Team, in Gladstone, NJ, led Dick to become active in the goings on there. Dick had a hand in almost any event that took place at the USET from the 1993 World Pairs Driving Championship, where he served as Facilities Manager, to the USET Equitation Finals. He also served as a trustee of the Somerset Hills Pony Club.

Because of his love of and involvement in the equestrian community, Dick Lang’s friends and family set up a fund for the Richard A. Lang Trophy in lieu of flowers upon his death. “The award is most special because it was donated by his friends,” said Barbara.

The Garden State Horse Show draws top equestrians, including U.S. Equestrian Team and Olympic veterans such as Peter Leone and Nona Garson, making the show their first stop in the northeast after wintering in Florida. The prestigious event marks the start of the spring circuit, enticing hunters and jumpers with top prize money.

The Garden State Horse Show offers five rings of exciting equestrian competition daily and is highlighted by the $50,000 Garden State Grand Prix, a member event of the King Shavings/U.S. Grand Prix League, on Saturday, May 8.

Other features include the $7,500 Colonel George Saunders Gamblers Choice, the $5,000 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Junior/Amateur-Owner Prix, and Marshall & Sterling Children’s & Adult League classes, presented by Corona-Lexol.

In addition to witnessing top athletes, spectators can enjoy the numerous shopping and dining opportunities available at The Country Fair.

It is through the ongoing support people like the Langs and its other sponsors that the Garden State Horse Show remains the largest horse show in New Jersey. Some of this year’s major sponsors include B & B Saddlery, Der Dau Custom Boots, Kistler Buildings and Paul Miller Land Rover, Cosequin, Jamie’s Jumps, sponsor of the Large Junior Hunter Division; the Saunders family, Fleeceworks of California, T.M. Brennan Contractors, Brandy Parfums, Ltd., Breyer Animal Creations, Janet Crawford, C.M. Hadfield’s Saddlery, Equus Entries, Finish Line, Hamilton Products, Kocher Tack Shop, Leather Therapy, Charles Pinnell, SmartPak Equine, Stitching Horse Leathers, The Tack Box and Twinkle Products.

The Garden State Horse Show also acknowledges support from many others. Garden State thanks David’s World Famous, the Duddy family, David Fowler Custom Tack Trunks, Green Valley Tack, Infologix, the Kamine family, Debbie and Perry Martin, New Jersey Horse Shows Association, Productions East, The Ridge Farm, Sidelines, Tranquility Large Animal Veterinary Services and Wild Horses.

Admission to the Garden State Horse Show is free every day except Grand Prix Saturday, when admission is $10.00 per carload to benefit a local charity. For ticket information for the 2004 Garden State Horse Show, please call (973) 948-5022. For all other inquiries, please call (508) 698-6810 or visit


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