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Hobby Horse Tours Inc. Presents .... . "The Premier Lusitano Experience" - In Brazil

Interagro, the largest breeder of Lusitanos in the world, offers for the first time training sessions on their spectacular horses. Be one of the first to ride a Lusitano at Interagro under the guidance of knowledgeable and experienced trainers. These gentle horses are a pleasure to ride; their willing attitudes and athleticism will win you over!

During the one week program (7 nights/8 days) you will have the opportunity to observe and work side by side with professional horsemen. The staff of experienced trainers at Interagro is eager to share their knowledge with you!

Included are:

10 private lessons on Lusitanos that will focus on improving your style, correct position and effectiveness of aids. Lessons are given by Mauricio Delucchi, head trainer of Interagro (English speaking).

In addition to the lessons:

Special workshops, opportunities and activities:

Longeing a horse with and w/o rider, learn how to do it correctly and effectively, improve your seat!

Learn how to braid a horse (mane and tail) like a professional

Tacking up, saddle fitting, and bandaging (leg wrapping) done correctly

Carriage rides to explore the beautiful countryside with the opportunity to take the reins into your own hands

Spend time with one of the on-staff veterinarians at work. Ask questions about breeding and other horse health issues

Observe the trainers working their young stallions. You will have the opportunity to participate in the training process actively (Learn about training aids used, longeing techniques and receive background information on the Interagro training philosophy.

Get measured for custom boots or chaps! You will have the opportunity to order your custom boots.

You will be accommodated in style at Hotel Pousada Vila Bueno in the small town Jaguariuna near the farm. This gracious 19th century mansion once belonged to the founder of this town. Today it provides modern, upscale accommodations with all modern comforts (all rooms have air conditioning, telephone, TV, internet connection, refrigerator, modern baths). Your in-room refrigerator at the hotel will be stocked with complimentary drinks and snacks.

On site: Laundry, swimming pool, patio, bar, wine cellar, restaurant and fitness center, sauna, nightly entertainment (except Sundays).
Restaurants and small shops are within walking distance!

A generous breakfast buffet at the hotel will prepare for the day ahead. At the farm a delicious lunch will be provided. Throughout your day at Interagro complimentary refreshments will be available.

The transfer from/to Sao Paulo airport and transportation between hotel and farm are provided. For dinner (not included in package) you will have the opportunity to dine at the hotel restaurant serving delicious Brazilian specialties, fresh fruit and delicious desserts. You may also explore some of the local restaurants and shops on your own (Within walking distance form the hotel).
Travel Insurance is included in the package price.

Our April clinic (22-29) will offer special low introductory rates at $1190 for riders (double occupancy) $1290 single occupancy
Accompanying non-rider is very welcome. (All services except riding/some special activities). Hotel accommodations (double occupancy) and transportation, breakfast and lunch included for non-rider.
Non-rider sharing with rider: $590 (based on double occupancy)

Other 2004 clinic dates: July 22 – 29 with optional bonus 3 day auction stay (to August 1st) and November 15 to 22
Conditions: Participants should be in good health and able to spend up to two hours/day on the horse. This program is designed for riders looking for the correct basics, improvement of riding style. Furthermore this will be an introduction to the Lusitano breed and life on one of the largest horse farms in the world.
Rider weight limit 185 lbs.
For all other conditions, information and to sign up, please refer to our general conditions posted on our website
or contact Hobby Horse Tours, Inc.:
phone: USA 352-797-0133



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