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Kevin Babington is Only Rider to Win Two Grand Prix at 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival

Wellington, FL—2004 has started out with a bang for grand prix jumper rider Kevin Babington. He is the only rider to win two grand prix events at this year’s Winter Equestrian Festival--the $100,000 Cosequin US Open Jumper Championship as well as the $75,000 PDP Capital Masters Cup, CSI ***. Beating some the world’s best riders like Olympic veteran Ian Millar and US superstar McLain Ward, Babington demonstrated why he was in the top ten at the 2002 World Championships in Jerez, Spain.

For both victories Babington rode Saly Glassman and Kindle Hill Farm’s Carling King, a 13-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding by Clover Hill. “My horse jumped brilliantly in both grand prix,” said Babington. “I couldn’t be more pleased with him.” The pair has been showing at the grand prix level for five years and has been chosen for the Irish Olympic Team for Athens and will travel to Europe to compete this summer.

Both wins came in classes designed by masterful international course designers. For the CSI*** Olympic course designer Leopoldo Palaciois demanded focused riding throughout the course and only two riders jumped the first round clean. A similar result for the $100,000 class resulted from Jose Gamarra’s tough first round course that only three riders mastered.

“The quality of courses throughout the Winter Equestrian Festival has been challenging, which is good preparation since this is an Olympic year,” Babington explained. Babington, 35, originally from Ireland, but now based in Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania, has been a member of the Irish team for the past four years. He was on the gold medal Irish team at the 2001 European Championships as well as on winning Nations Cup Teams at prestigious shows like Hickstead, Lummen, Calgary, Washington and Toronto.

In addition to his success in the ring, Babington recently became a spokesperson for Tropical Rider, a riding apparel company that specializes in high performance fabrics paired with elegant designs. “There are so few breeches that are really comfortable, especially for men” explained Babington of his decision to work with the Florida-based company. “The first time I put on Tropical Rider breeches I knew I had finally found the quality and fit that I had been searching for.”

Tropical Rider was founded with performance riders like Babington in mind. Made from the latest high-tech fabrics, all of the breeches are washable, breathable and durable and yet maintain the stylish look that all riders crave. Babington joins Olympic rider Nona Garson and best-selling author and Olympic reserve rider Jane Savoie on the Tropical Rider team. For more information visit


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