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William a black shire horse and "Friend".

The Northcote Heavy Horse Centre opens its doors for the new Tourist season at Easter.

This is the centre's 15th year and although it is not really a "tourist attraction" its unique "hands on" lose contact programme is very attractive to tourists and families looking for a day our with a Real difference!

The Centre looks after big horses with problems and visitors can actually groom the horse of their choice during the daily programme.

Because of the unusual nature of the days events, it is very important to arrive in good time.

The numbers of visitors allowed close to the animals is limited and close supervision is obviously very important.

Do try to arrive before 11am. the day finishes at about 2.30pm with heavy horse wagon rides round the country lanes. Again numbers are limited do book early for this popular event.

The Centre will operate the hands on programme on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

On Tuesday 13th April the programme will be a practice session for the two huge re enactments planned for July and August this year. In August 2003 over 700 visitors packed the Centre for Mediaeval Day 1. In 2004 there will be Roman week end Sat and Sunday 24 and 25 July and Mediaeval week end on 21 and 22 August.

On practice days there will be no hands on programme but you may be lucky enough to see tilting at the quintain or even some jousting practice! Same times apply 11am to 2.30pm.


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