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Spinacci Rallies Bud Light For Key 11-10 Victory In Monty Waterbury Cup Sunday At Royal Palm Polo

BOCA RATON, FL – Seven-goaler Pablo Spinacci scored the game’s final two goals, including a 30-yard penalty shot with 1:35 remaining, to lift Bud Light over Barrington 11-10 in a 20-goal USPA Monty Waterbury Cup polo game Sunday at Royal Palm Polo.

Bud Light scored the game’s last four goals to even its record at 1-1.

Barrington scored three consecutive goals in the fifth chukker to take a 10-7 lead before Bud Light rallied in the final chukker, holding Barrington scoreless.

Spinacci finished with a game-high six goals while patron Billy Busch added three goals and Joey Casey scored two goals. Frankie Bilbao led Barrington with four goals.

Bud Light plays Planet Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the final first-round game of the Monty Waterbury Cup.


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