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USEF Performance Horse Registry Presents 2nd Annual Event Horse Breeding Symposium During 2004 Rolex Kentucky Three-Day-Event

Members of the sport horse breeding community will have many opportunities to learn about breeding horses for the sport of eventing during the Performance Horse Registry’s (PHR) second annual Event Horse Breeding Symposium: >From Foal to Four-Star, April 22-23, 2004. The symposium will take place during non-competing hours of the concurrent Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event at the Kentucky Horse Park.

“We learned so much from coordinating this event last year, which was very well received,” said John Long, Chief Executive Officer of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF). “Breeders across our nation want to know more about bloodlines, breeding stock, and how to develop and market young horses. Our Performance Horse Registry team has organized this symposium to help breeders focus on the most important criteria for both breeding and marketing.”

The symposium will feature a lunch session on Thursday, at USEF headquarters, in which the pedigrees of each Rolex Kentucky CCI**** starter will be analyzed.

Friday’s lunch session, also in the USEF building, will feature Sam and Linda Barr, the British breeders of the famous Welton three-day event horses, including 2000 Rolex Kentucky winner Welton Envoy. The Barrs will speak about the role of young horse championships in team and market development.

Custom Made, USEF President David O’Connor’s 2000 Sydney Olympic Games gold medal partner will be presented during the 4:30 p.m. Friday afternoon session in the indoor arena at the horse park. He will speak about conformation and qualities of an upper level horse. USEF CEO John Long will also be present to discuss the importance of expanding breeding programs in North America.

Darren Chiacchia will present Dr. Timothy Holekamp’s 2003 Eventing Horse of the Year, the Trakehner stallion Windfall, and will discuss the qualities and virtues needed for a breeding stallion, as well as a performance horse.

The Barrs will also be present to discuss breeding in the United Kingdom, and Dr. Kent Allen, a noted three-day eventing veterinarian, will participate as well. Lexington’s own Cathy Weischoff, herself a four-star competitor, will present the young gelding Simba she bred out of her Burghley and Rolex four-star mare, Spelga Dam.

Admission for USEF members is $50, a $15.00 savings from the $65 non-member admission. Students qualify for a reduced rate of $25 (must show valid ID). Box lunches for any of the symposiums are $15 each. For more information on the Event Horse Breeding Symposium, please visit or contact Ken Ball, Performance Horse Registry on (859) 225-2035 or via e-mail at


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