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horse BHS Jubilee Sponsored Ride For Road Safety
18 and 19 May 2002

The British Horse Society has joined forces with South Essex Insurance Brokers and Stable Express to run a sponsored Ride for Road Safety at Eland Lodge Farm near Ashbourne in Derbyshire.

Starting from the Stable Express Saddlery (with a chance to do some shopping from their huge range), the ride will run through the meadows of Eland Lodge Farm before going out into the lanes and forests of the Duchy of Lancaster Estate. Part of the ride covers a route designed for H M The Queen in 1986 and it has never been used since. International event rider Ian Stark OBE will start the ride at 10am on Saturday by jumping the new Intermediate Course that he designed and Hugh Lochore built.

The event is being run over two days with the option to stay overnight. Limited accommodation and stabling are available, but must be booked in advance. On the Saturday night there will be a Barn Dance with tickets costing £5, with drinks and refreshments on sale.

The ride is expected to take about two and a half to three hours. There will be a special short route away from the rest of the ride for beginners and lead reins, so why not make this a family day out.

Participants are expected to raise a minimum of £15 (£10 for under 16s) in sponsorship. Every rider will receive a commemorative rosette and mug. The first riders set off at 10.15am and the last riders at 3pm each day.

Sheila Hardy, BHS safety, said: "The proceeds from this sponsored ride will go towards the BHS work on riding and road safety. Riders and carriage drivers want safer roads and for motorists to treat them with respect and consideration in order to prevent some of the 3000 accidents involving horses that happen on our roads every year. This is every rider's chance to help us make that happen".

There will be prizes for those who raise the most money. Individuals can win a saddle or horse wardrobe, and teams of four from riding schools, livery yards, riding clubs, Pony Club or college can win a training session with a leading rider.

Entry forms can be obtained by sending a sae to Safety Department, British Horse Society, Stoneleigh Deer Park, Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 2XZ or you
can print one off from the BHS website



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