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New Regional Development Officer For BHS

The British Horse Society has appointed a new Regional Development Officer for the South and South West Regions. She is Mrs Julie Garbutt from Mark in Somerset.

The daughter of a Yorkshire farmer, Julie has been riding horses since the age of five. After going through Pony Club, she worked in a show jumping yard in the Midlands, and in 1981 she accompanied a British team to Dubai. Since moving to Somerset in 1988 she has run a saddlery/country clothing company, worked for a Danish grass seed company and more recently a newspaper.

She owns and competes at a local level on her horse Konker in various disciplines.

BHS chief executive Kay Driver said "The BHS is very lucky to have someone of Julie's wide experience to act as our regional representative in the South and South West. I am sure she will prove an asset to the Society."


Julie Garbutt said: "I am very excited to have secured this post and look forward to getting to know our members in the regions. The BHS has a lot to offer the equestrian public with training and competitions and that, allied to the magnificent work they do with regard to welfare, safety and access, makes it a Society that every horse rider or owner should be proud to be part of."

Julie Garbutt can be reached at Sunnymead, Kingsway, Mark, Somerset TA9 4NT.
Tel: 01278 641758, email



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