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horse The Charles Owen BSJA Senior British Novice Championship

Leading International Equestrian Headwear Manufacturer Charles Owen and Company have agreed to sponsor one of the most popular series on the Showjumping circuit for a further twelve months. The BSJA Senior British Novice Championship.

During the past eighteen months Charles Owen have worked closely with John Whitaker designing a hat that is stylish, comfortable and kitemarked to BSEN1384. Thereby providing an even wider selection of products, including the extensive glove range, that encompasses fashion combined with safety. In addition to the Charles Owen Showjumper 2000 the John Whitaker hat has proved to be extremely popular with competitors throughout the Ranks. It is through knowing the wide appeal of their range that Charles Owen have decided to invest back into the sport that is increasing their product sales.

Roy Burek, M. D. commented "It is refreshing to link a sponsorship with company products, even more so when the series we are supporting covers the grass roots competitors through to professional riders. We are thrilled to be associated with showjumping and leading International names like John Whitaker in this manner".

Jacky Knightley, Press/Marketing Manager of the British Show Jumping Association commented "With increasing guidelines from the Government on Safety, we are delighted that Charles Owen are a major sponsor. Safety in Showjumping is of paramount importance to the British Show Jumping Association and we welcome the advice a company such as Charles Owen can offer our member". This has increasingly become the case with the wearing of PAS015/BSEN1384 headwear becoming mandatory on April 1st 2000.

Charles Owen are also actively supporting competitors with the provision of an interactive website for the Equestrian world. This site enables riders and show secretaries alike to access show schedules and classes on a nationwide basis from the comfort of their own homes.

The series will be called the 'Charles Owen British Novice Championship' and culminates in a National Final in September 2002.

For further information please contact Charles Owen on: 01978 317777 or email:



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