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horse Dengie Support The Brooke Hospital For Animals

Dengie Horse Feeds are delighted to announce that their International Charity for 2002's show season is The Brooke Hospital For Animals.

The Brooke Hospital , founded in 1934 with headquarters in London, provides free veterinary treatment for the working horses, donkeys and mules of poor people in Egypt, Jordan, India and Pakistan. Many owners live in such poverty they do not have the means, and certainly not the knowledge, to properly care for their animals, which results in needless suffering. By collaborating with the local people, and helping them improve their animal's health and their own husbandry skills the Brooke is already transforming the lives of hundreds of thousands of working animals.

"Dengie are privileged be be associated with one of the UK's most established international equine charities. The education of the horse owner, to improve equine husbandry has always been an important part of the Dengie ethos. We hope to be able raise funds to enable Brooke to continue to do this in many countries"
- Michael Bacon Field Sales Manager

Dengie will be raising money by selling feed samples at shows, open days and promotions. Collecting tins will available for the public to make donations. Dengie will make a presentation to Brooke Hospital at The British Equine Event later this year.

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