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Get your hands on the only manual you will want to read!

Forget your computer manual and your car manual. If you have a horse or pony the only manual you need is the latest issue of one of the biggest selling books of all time, The Pony Club’s Manual of Horsemanship.

The Manual has been a continuous bestseller since it was first published in 1950 and the revised and updated 12th edition will be launched at next week’s Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials (2nd-5th May 2002).

Its advantage over other books of its kind is that it covers all essential aspects of horsemanship and horsemastership within its 448 pages. Instead of being the work of one author, it is an amalgam of expert knowledge and experience. Dr. Sue Dyson provided the veterinary section.

Although widely read by Pony Club Members, it is bought and used by a nationwide cross-section of riders, both young and not so young.

The Manual of Horsemastership will be available from Stand 147 at the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials or from all good book shops at £13.95 or £12.20 for Pony Club Members.


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