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horse Land Rover to sponsor Royal Windsor Horse Show

Land Rover, manufacturer of ‘the best 4x4 by far’ has confirmed its sponsorship of Britain’s biggest horse show, Royal Windsor 15th – 19th May 2002.

Vehicle sponsor of Royal Windsor Horse Show for the past 14 years, Land Rover has extended its long-term commitment to the show with the sponsorship of the prestigious International Driving Grand Prix. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh has been a regular competitor in the International Driving Grand Prix and will compete again this year.

As well as providing a prime profile raising opportunity, the agreement will give Land Rover the exciting chance to remodel and customise some of the eight hazards making up section E of the Driving Marathon in Home Park Private.

George Hassall MBO, Director of Royal and Diplomatic Affairs at Land Rover said: “Land Rover represents the very latest in four wheel drive design technology and horsepower. The new Range Rover is the ideal vehicle to support a competition that celebrates just those qualities in a sporting environment. The demanding nature of this event set against so spectacular a backdrop is a natural choice for Range Rover, the world’s most prestigious off-road vehicle.”

Advance tickets for the Royal Windsor Horse Show are available from the box office, telephone 0870 121 5370 and range from £6 - £10 for adults and £3.50 to £7 for concessions, with on the day prices from £8-£12 for adults and £5- £8 for concessions. Tickets are still available for All The Queen’s Horses, via the same box office number. To find out more about Royal Windsor Horse Show visit the website at or for All The Queen’s Horses visit

Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix Made Simple!

The Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix (LRIDGP) takes place in the exquisite settings of Windsor Home Park and Home Park Private. To watch this spectacular event all you need to do is go to the TOWN GATE collection point and the FREE Royal Windsor Horse Show tractor and trailer service will take you to the viewing points and also provide your return journey.

" Royal Windsor Horse Show LRIDGP is one of the most prestigious in the world. It is to driving what Badminton is to eventing.

" This year there are 65 entries, almost half the competitors are from Britain and
the remainder from Austria, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland.

" The Duke of Edinburgh has been a regular competitor in the International Driving Grand Prix and is competing again this year.

" The LRIDGP is run over four days from Thursday 16th May to Sunday 19th May. It comprises three separate competition sections from A to C each of which offers prize money to the best five placed competitors.

" Seven separate classes of horses and ponies compete in the LRIDGP: Teams of Horses, Teams of Ponies, Pairs of Horses, Pairs of Ponies, Single Horse, Single Pony, Pony Tandems (a National Class). Each competes within its own class over the same course.

" Competition section A : Dressage - Thursday and Friday.
The driving competitors must execute set dressage movements in walk, trot, canter and reverse in a 100m x 40m grass arena. The test is the same for both horse and pony competitors.

" Competition section B: Marathon - Saturday
The driving competitors must complete five separate sections over a total of approximately 22km to a maximum speed and optimum time. The optimum times are slightly longer for pony competitors.

Section A: 7km at any pace, around set markers
Section B: 1km at walk
Section C: 4km at any pace
Section D: 1km at walk
Section E: 9km at any pace, with the negotiation of eight set obstacles including the spectacular water obstacle.

" Competition section C: Obstacle Driving - Sunday
This takes place in the 100m x 40m Dressage arena. It is against the clock with time penalties added for faults. A compulsory water obstacle and bridge may be included.


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