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Sportsquest International Attends FEI General Assembly: Records Feature Stories For Television Series

SportsQuest International is pleased to announce the participation of its video production unit at the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Extraordinary & Ordinary General Assembly in Rabat, Morocco, from April 23-27, 2002. During this time, the SportsQuest production team will be compiling material for upcoming programs of "With Equestrian Tact: The International Video Magazine of the Equestrian Sports". The series will air on Horse TV in the United States and be distributed internationally through London-based Prima Television International.

Meetings, workshops and social events taking place during the FEI General Assembly will provide a backdrop for upcoming feature stories. The production team also plans to conduct interviews with delegates, record demonstrations of Moroccan horsemanship and visit horse farms around the Rabat area.

"Attending the FEI meeting of the General Assembly provides our show with high level international exposure and facilitates contact with many of the people who shape equestrian sports throughout the world," says Melvin Cox, SportsQuest International Managing Director and Senior Producer.

SportsQuest International also looks forward to showcasing Morocco and its vibrant equestrian community in future "With Equestrian Tact..." programs. "With a rich and diverse culture, and a historic appreciation for equestrian sports, Morocco is a magnificent source of program content. We’re very excited to have this opportunity," says Cox.

Set against the backdrop of international riding and driving competitions, and incorporating the thematic wealth of classic as well as contemporary jazz recordings, "With Equestrian Tact..." will explore a wide variety of equestrian sports topics in a documentary newsmagazine format. The series is produced by SportsQuest International, a California-based privately held multimedia Production Company specializing in the development and promotion of sports related programming that presents positive, informationally rich themes.

Individual programs within the series will include interviews with riders, trainers, owners, breeders and officials involved in various equestrian disciplines at the national and international levels. Areas of special focus include: course design, sport horse breeding, nutrition and equestrian fashion.

Coverage will originate from major events in North America, the Middle East and Europe during the run up to the World Equestrian Games. The games are scheduled for September 10 - 22 in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, and will crown world champions in seven equestrian disciplines: showjumping, dressage, vaulting, endurance, eventing, carriage driving and reining.

The producers also plan coverage of the equestrian competitions of the 14th Asian Games in Pusan, Korea, international showjumping at the Club Hipico La Silla in Monterrey, Mexico, the Adelaide International Horse Trials in Australia and the American Royal Saddle Horse Show in Kansas City, MO (USA).

HorseTV <> is seen via the America One Television network of over 130 independent television stations coast to coast. It is also available via the Internet <>, through select cable systems, and in-the-clear to C-Band satellite dishes. HorseTV broadcasts a variety of equine focused programming to owners, riders, breeders and lovers of horses and equestrian sports.

Further information can be obtained from the Sports Quest International web site: <>
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