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BETA Represents Industry At The Royal Show

BETA has been invited to represent the equestrian trade at this year's Royal Show.

The show takes place from June 29 to July 2 and brings together all aspects of the equestrian and agricultural world.

BETA will exhibit in the International Pavilion providing a wealth of information on the industry in the UK and for companies wanting to break into the export market.

"Export is a vital ingredient in ensuring the expansion and development of the industry and BETA is keen to see businesses exporting their products and services," says BETA Chief Executive and Secretary Claire Williams.

"We have been putting a lot of time and effort into pulling together information on what businesses need to know about such avenues, and this will all be available at the show."

As part of their mission to get more British businesses exporting, BETA has also secured funding from Trade Partners UK to assist in meeting the costs of attending trade shows abroad

Grants of £2,300 are available for businesses wanting to attend SPOGA in Germany this year and will cover up to 60 percent of the stand and build costs.

The show is also an opportunity to showcase British products and attract interested in companies visiting the show from abroad.

"We are delighted to be representing the industry at The Royal Show once again. Exhibiting in the International Pavilion is a perfect opportunity to showcase the high quality of British manufactured products and innovation and development that is currently being seen in this sector," added Claire.

For further information please contact BETA on 01937 587062.


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